With a large pair of feathered wings sprouting from their back, they were the first playable D&D race that could fly, letting them soar above enemies to pick them off from afar. They have a natural +2 Dexterity and +1 Wisdom increase, and they also sport a pair of talons that let you...
Similar to Dragonborn,Leonin Barbarianshave a once-per-short-rest trick hidden behind their sharp grins. Daunting Roar affects enemies within 10 feet: they must pass a Wisdom saving throw (with a DC based on theLeonin 5erace’s Constitution modifier) or be frightened until the end of the L...
They are cold-blooded creatures with high intelligence and can help you stay safe from your enemies in the game. Fully passionate with hungry jaws, they bite their enemy and can hold their breath for extended hours. Lizardfolk Gnome You can also call Gnome the kids ofD&D 5e Races. Being ...
Assassin –The Assassin is the master of killing enemies while remaining hidden. They gain proficiency with the disguise kit and poisoner’s kit items, but what makes this class special is theAssassinatefeature, which gives them Advantage on any attack roll against a creature that hasn’t taken ...
Friends Close, Enemies Closer. In our 50th article, Josh Gentry asks you to sell your soul! Three new warlock patrons include The Sea Lord, The Seducer, and The Trickster, along with six new Invocations. These three patrons represent such legendary beings as Davy Jones, the Leviathan, Dracula...