If you want to hone your roleplaying skills, the confident and charmingBard 5eclass is a great choice. Often referred to as the ‘jack of all trades’ of the adventuring party, the Bard is a versatile class that can be a huge benefit to teammates, both in battle and in social interacti...
College of Eloquence is the perfect subclass for those who love to talk their way out of any situation they find themselves in. Masters of communication and storytelling, these Bards value the art of speaking above all else, and get quite good at it. Silver Tongue lets you treat a Persuas...
•College of Eloquence •College of Glamour •College of Lore •College of Spirits •College of Swords •College of Valor •College of Whispers Unearthed Arcana(a) None Available TheBlood Hunter (Homebrew) Often feared or misunderstood, and driven by an unending drive to destroy the ...
KEEP READING:How to Build Dungeons & Dragons Most Powerful Bard/Rogue Multiclass
Players looking to make the most powerful Wizard can do well to build the right foundation from level 1. Making the right decisions from the very beginning will lead to the strongest possible character, resulting in a powerful Wizard who can dominate encounters. With that in mind, there are ...