Most dwarves harbor a passionate hatred for things like orcs and goblins and other underlings like that.They value family ties quite strongly, they’re kind of based on North’s, uh, cultures in that regard. Dwarves often adventure out of a desire for gold or looking for ancient armor and...
Hill Dwarves are incredibly durable, and get a +1 to Wis, making their spellcasting ability score better, too. With all the right bonuses in all the right places, and a race feature that grants you continuous hit points, it seems the Hill Dwarf was built specifically for a Cleric. ...
Several races feature a speed of 25 feet, includingDwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings.This is to represent the fact that they have shorter legs or have a harder time moving from one place to another.Aarakocra, from the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion, use their wings more than their legs a...
If the adventurers complete a tense negotiation with a baron, forge a trade agreement with a clan of surly dwarves, or successfully navigate the Chasm of Doom, you might decide that they deserve an XP reward. As a starting point, use the rules for building combat encounters in chapter 3 to...
If you’re planning to rely on your STR and CON, you’ll want to go with beefier races like the MountainDwarf 5e, the Half-Orc, or theGoliath 5e. Half Orcs and Goliaths both get +2 STR and +1 CON, while Mountain Dwarves have +2 for bothDnD stats. The Half-Orcs’ Relentless End...
I might not have been clear about this earlier, so, clarifying: you should be explaining them that gnomes and high elves make better wizards than dwarves, which make better fighters and barbarians. You should let them play their Wizard Dwarf if they want to, but make sure they understand ...
When wanting to play a character who punches people’s lights out on the regular, people generally pick monks. However, this can lead down a very odd path flavor wise, as eastern monks in a world with dwarves and elves can feel a bit strange. As such, the Pugilist fits in a similar ...
Non-player characters in the games may have their own racial prejudices - for instances, if you go to a Dwarven cave, the Dwarves there might be racist towards your Elf player. This can lead to some funny situations. Also, big characters can throw small characters, which is always funny....
There are no dwarves that can cast arcane spells. Druid is a subclass of Cleric. Paladin and Ranger are subclasses of Fighter. A Bard is a subclass of Thief. Your stats probably won't matter unless they're a 15 or 16. Prepare to scratch the hell out of your head if you're playing...
This dwarf name generator will give you 10 names that will generally fit the dwarven races in the Dungeons & Dragons universe.Dwarves were once a proud united race, but years of wars with orcs and goblins, internal conflicts, and other struggles have dispersed them across the lands. These ...