they can only choose ‘enlarge’, and the spell can’t be cast in direct sunlight. Gray dwarves can also castInvisibility 5efrom level five in the same way (no components, avoid sunlight). Both5e spellsrefresh after a long rest, and ...
其他的矮人种族次要分支,包括 马兹特克大陆Maztica 的 沙漠矮人desert dwarves、大冰川the Great Glacier的极地矮人arctic dwarves、以及楚尔特的 白化矮人albino dwarves,都只是隔绝状态的盾矮人氏族。坠星海the Sea of Fallen Stars中有 水生矮人aquatic dwarves 种族的传说,每位研究过这个问题的学者都觉得不可置信。 ...
If you’ve played a Sorcerer before, and fancy trying something that plays a bit differently, the Hammer Sorcerer gives you the opportunity to approach the class in an unconventional way. It could also be good if yourDnD settinghas done some interesting world-building with Dwarves, and you wa...
Several races feature a speed of 25 feet, includingDwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings.This is to represent the fact that they have shorter legs or have a harder time moving from one place to another.Aarakocra, from the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion, use their wings more than their legs a...
Dwarves, whose Stonecunning ability allows them to gain proficiency in History checks and double their proficiency bonus of those checks, but only when thinking about stonework. Rock Gnomes, whose Artificer’s Lore works much like Stonecunning, but specifically for magical items, alchemical knick-kna...
If the adventurers complete a tense negotiation with a baron, forge a trade agreement with a clan of surly dwarves, or successfully navigate the Chasm of Doom, you might decide that they deserve an XP reward. As a starting point, use the rules for building combat encounters in chapter 3 ...
DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters in D&D.
I might not have been clear about this earlier, so, clarifying: you should be explaining them that gnomes and high elves make better wizards than dwarves, which make better fighters and barbarians. You should let them play their Wizard Dwarf if they want to, but make sure they understand ...
Honestly! The stupidity of some dwarves! Talking to her reflection in the water and thinking its her god??The goblins are getting much, much smarter. The bowgobs take to high ground that doesn't have easy access, but has a great vantage point on the enclosure where the warriors are ...