【神 职】矮人(生存、复兴与进步)Dwarves (survival, renewal, and advancement),创造creation,所有类型的锻工smithing of all sorts,工艺craftsmanship,战争war,矮人种族the dwarven race,保护protection,金属工艺metalcraft,石工(石雕、隧道、建筑) stonework (stonemasonry, tunneling, construction),工程engineering,矮人工...
Haxtec Swirl D&D Teal Dice Set The Gods Are Athirst, Handmade Resin Sharp Edge DND Dice Set Metal DND Dice Set QMay DND Dice Sets Beautiful Dwarven Copper Metal Dice Set for D&D EBOOT Polyhedral Dice D&D Metal Dice Set with Gift Metal Case Handcrafted Sharp Edge Dice, Iridescent Glitter D...
¢摩丁萨曼诸神The Morndinsamman(矮人神系Dwarven Pantheon) ●幽暗地域的矮人诸神Gods of the Underdark Dwarves:盾矮人、迪洛矮人、灰矮人等地下矮人的信仰 侏儒Gnome ¢金色丘陵诸领主The Lords of the Golden Hills(侏儒神系Gnome Pantheon) ●斯涅布力侏儒诸神Gods of the Svirfnebli:地底侏儒信仰 ...
•Dwarven Fortitude •Drow High Magic •Elven Accuracy •Fade Away •Fey Teleportation •Flames of Phlegethos •Infernal Constitution •Orcish Fury •Prodigy •Revenant Blade •Second Chance •Squat Nimbleness •Svirfneblin Magic ...
Searching for a cure for Durok’s dwarven cancer, Ren uncovers evidence of a temple dedicated to a long dead god with domain over life and death. A priestess with visions of their journey awaits their aid in entering the temple. Thank you O’Shey Hill for writing and running this game....
When it accepted Catti-brie, Khazid'hea adopted the form of the panther Guenhwyvar for its hilt, with the symbols of the dwarven gods etched into its side. During the conflict with Obould, Catti-brie is wounded and is unable to engage in combat. Thus Khazid'hea ensnares Delly Curtie,...
This ancient “history” is patchy and semi-mythological, and some thinkers among both the dwarves and the other civilized races contend that it is fabricated as support for the worship of the Stone Lords, a trio of dwarven patron gods who figure prominently in many of the oldest fragments....
All languages are descended from Supernal, because when the mortal races first heard the language of the gods, they each interpreted it in a unique fashion.[DMG:171] All player characters can speak Common, gain one or more additional languages depending on race, and can learn additional languag...
矮人王国三部曲(Dwarven Nations): 铸造之盟约(Covenant of the Forge)(1993年),锤与斧(Hammer and Axe)(1993年),《剑鞘和约》(The Swordsheath Scroll)(1993年),精灵流亡三部曲(Elven Exiles Trilogy): 圣域(Sanctuary)(2005年);精灵王国三部曲(Elven Nations):《初生》(Firstborn)(1991年),...