摩拉丁的化身Moradin's Avatar (战士Fighter 37,牧师Cleric 33,土元素师Earth Elementalist 25,火元素师Fire Elementalist 25,吟游诗人Bard 18) 摩拉丁神临为一位面容严肃的20呎高矮人男性,有着强大的肌肉群(尤其是在上半身),流畅的白色(或黑色)头发和胡须直及膝盖。他的穿着朴素,穿着一件皮衣和铁匠的皮制紧身...
Dwarf Dwarven Cleric of Moradin 可以翻译成“摩拉丁的矮人祭司”,而D&D、DnD和Pathfinder这些游戏名称通常不会在中文中进行直接翻译,所以可以保留原文。童谣**童谣 上传1019.3 KB 文件格式 zip Tinkercad is a free online platform that enables users to create 3D designs and models. It provides an intuitive...
5eDnD_新手套组_角色_中译(二校).pdf,战士 1 贵族 人类 守序中立 +2 我奉承别人时能让对方觉得自己举世无双。 17 -1 30 尺 我不喜欢干脏活,更不会因不舒适的食宿勉 强自己。 +5 16 +5 +3 12 责任 Responsibility 。身为一位贵族就有职责 保护普通百姓,而不是欺压他们。 -1
Ringmage", "Elvish Veteran Archer", "Ghost Knight", "Gladiator", "Guard", "Half-Red Dragon Veteran", "Knight", "Mage", "Noble", "Corrupted Ogre Chieftain", "Priest", "Ratfolk Rogue", "Scorpion Cultist", "Scout", "Spy", "Thug", "Tribal Warrior", "Veteran", "Wolf Reaver Dwarf"...
TheOld-School Essentialsseries of gamebooks are built on rules functionally identical to the "Basic/Expert" rulesets included in the Red and Blue Boxes for early commercialD&D. Adventurers (with base character classes such as Fighter, Cleric, Magic-User, Thief, Elf, Dwarf, and Halfing) delve ...
5eDnD_新手套组_角色_中译(二校).pdf,战士 1 贵族 人类 守序中立 +2 我奉承别人时能让对方觉得自己举世无双。 17 -1 30 尺 我不喜欢干脏活,更不会因不舒适的食宿勉 强自己。 +5 16 +5 +3 12 责任 Responsibility 。身为一位贵族就有职责 保护普通百姓,而不是欺压他们。 -1