So for this name generator I used those 2 names (considered them to be unisex) and expanded upon them a little. The majority of names will thus be fairly short and guttural. Since they're fey creatures, I've also included sylvan-based names (the last 4 results) in this name generator...
Evans, The Adversary 龙裔姓名 Dragonborn Names 龙裔在出生时会被赐予一个名字,但是他们会将氏族名 如其名字所示,生而为龙的龙裔带着世俗对他们的偏见 称放在自己名字之前以示荣耀。乳名和绰号则常在同期孵化 和误解行走于世界。由龙神或者龙类塑造而成的龙裔最初从 的亲属间用作为俗称或者爱称。而这个名字还可能...
Dragonborn resemble humanoid dragons, though D&D lore flip-flops on exactly how this species got their draconic features. However it happened, the Dragonborn’s scaly, wingless appearance makes them one of the most recognizable species. Their signature Breath Weapon helps in that department, too. ...
The last 2 names are always names of existing drow, but the first and surname combo is usually different from the existing ones. So if your character needs to be named after a different drow, these names are a good start.To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names...
DnD Dragonborn DnD Gnome DnD Half-Elf DnD Half-Orc DnD Tiefling The 2024 rulebook replaces the Half-Elf and the Half-Orc with the following: DnD 2024 Aasimar DnD Goliath DnD Orc Alignment Your alignment determines your character’s moral compass. It’s mainly a roleplaying tool, but it ...
Dragonborn arsonist brothers set a factory ablaze, creepy warehouses are investigated, and the PCs try to take down Mayor Reed Macbannin during an earthquake. What will they find in Macbannin Manor? For 4th-level characters. Legend of the Heart Eater. A warlock subclass that can be inserted ...
Overall, One DnD playtest satisfaction scores were particularly positive – with only a few outliers like the One DnD playtest Dragonborn needing further workshopping. Wizards has also been addressing potentially controversial content, acknowledging Monk stereotypes and removing half-elves and orcs from ...