Here we have mentioned all types of DnD backgrounds list in the below chart you can get them now in the below 5e backgrounds chart.
It opens up new possibilities of encounter and adventure design. A 1st-level character might not fight the black dragon plaguing the town in a face-to-face fight and expect to survive. But if they rally the town to their side, outfit the guards with bows and arrows, and whittle the drag...
D&Dhas several types of undead dragons. The hollow dragon is the strangest. It's a dragon that is so obsessed with a single cause that it continues trying to fulfill it beyond death. Rather than a skeleton or a ghost, they are a dragon's husk infused with powerful, radiant energy. Have...
In awonderful episode of Dragon Talk, lead D&D Designer and rules sage Jeremy Crawford goes into detail on these rules and explains that the main goal isn’t to “balance” encounters but to help DMs gauge the difficulty of a combat encounter, particularly if it’s deadly. The math in the...