施法时间:4小时 要素:咒语V,手势S,材料M (一滴神血与一滴虹彩神龙/Mythic Wyrm Prismatic Dragon血液的混合物,以及一些提亚马特的鳞片粉末,将被法术消耗)(笔者注:这个所谓的虹彩神龙也是这个变体规则自己编的东西,而且我在看的时候原作者已经把设定删掉了,大家就把他当成某种很强大的龙就行) 持续时间:瞬间 必需...
dragon 而铂金币叫太阳sun 。该城还有两种本土的铸币:陶尔 toal 和湾月harbor moon 。陶尔是一种中央带孔的方形黄铜质 自创货币Creating Your Own 商用货币,它可以方便的用铁环或绳子串起来使用。在深水城 如上述范例所示,你世界中的货币并不需要某个全宇宙 内每陶尔价值2gp,但本城之外则并不承认其价值。湾...
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DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters in D&D.
The definitive guide to dragons in your DnD 5e games, rules for dragon companions, dragon combat and ancient draconic rune magic from the Dragonbond universe. Pre-Order 發起人: Draco Studios 有3,199 名支持者認繳了$ 311,758,幫助此專案變為現實。
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Valloric/statblock5e Star373 A Web Component statblock for D&D 5E dndweb-componentsdnd5e UpdatedJun 28, 2019 HTML Npc Generator for Dungeon and Dragon dndnpc-generator UpdatedJan 26, 2025 SCSS 🦄 Vue components for modifying lists with the HTML5 drag & drop API. ...
set is perfect for a variety of games, including 5e dice games and the Three Dragon Ante Set DND, ensuring that you have the right tools for any adventure. The dice are also lightweight, making them easy to handle and transport, so you can take your game on the go. **Designed for ...
For instance, maybe take the plot of Alien but replace the alien with a dragon. Or maybe have your adventureres go on the train-robbery mission from Firefly. You get the idea! There's also no reason why your quest has to be in a Tolkein-esque fantasy universe. Just port the ...
Oracle Details:https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Oracle_(5e_Class) 1. Scholar Scholar in His Study [Art by Rembrandt] For those who don’t wish to be a wizard, cleric, or any sort of caster, yet still want to play an intelligent character. Scholars serve as a nonmagical form of suppor...