3级 dragonshape,least†:变成伪龙的形态。6级 高等英雄气概:获得在攻击掷骰、豁免鉴定、技能鉴定上的+4价值、对恐惧的免疫、和临时hp。8级 mind of the labyrinth†:试图影响你的心灵的敌人会陷入困惑,你可以支配一个此类攻击者。艾欧的入信者(initiate of Io)[入信者]你的神把照看龙类生物的责任托付给...
迪斯帕特可以随意施展以下能力,每回合或每轮一次 , as applicable: 烟火术pyrotechnics, 燃火术produce flame, 火墙术wall of fire, 光亮术light,阅读魔法read magic, 理解语言read languages, 侦测隐形detect invisible, 形体变化shape change, 迷诱术beguile, 指使术geas, 复原术restoration, 完全死者复活(没找到...
Circle of the Moon:A powerful all-rounder who can fight in Wild Shape and harness the varied powers of the moon. Circle of the Sea:Surround yourself with a damage-dealing tempest and cast heaps of storm-themed spells. Circle of the Stars:Different constellations enhance your combat abilities ...
Shapechange (Open in new window) 9 Transmutation 1 Action No Yes Players Handbook Shatter (Open in new window) 2 Evocation 1 Action No No Players Handbook Shield (Open in new window) 1 Abjuration Special No No Players Handbook Shield of Faith (Open in new window) 1 Abjuration 1 Bonus Act...
开发费用:396000GP,8天,15840XP,法术种子:lifeshape(DC28),要素:Change type to dragon(+15DC),随意使用之类法术能力(+45DC),长生不老(+8DC),DC减轻要素:目标为自己(―2DC),消耗5000XP(―50DC) 该法术将奥术施法者转化为阿塔斯龙的第一阶段。施法者的生物种类变为龙,失去之前的所有种类。施法者不再会...
Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen brought the Kender 5e back to D&D. These Gnome-like people are best known for their curiosity and bravery. In older editions, they were also known for kleptomania, but the newest version of the species has moved away from this stereotype. Kender have...
Shapechange (9th-level Transmutation) Shatter (2nd-level Evocation) Shield (1st-level Abjuration) Shield of Faith (1st-level Abjuration) Shillelagh (Transmutation Cantrip) Shocking Grasp (Evocation Cantrip) Silence (2nd-level Illusion) Silent Image (1st-level Illusion) ...
梵天神侍是充当神能信使或代理的天使,它们被派往主 变形 Change Shape。梵天神侍可以⽤魔法变形为挑战等级 物质位面、堕影冥界、妖精沃野等任何适合其从事工作的国度。 等于或低于其⾃⾝的类⼈⽣物或野兽,也可以同样⽤该动作 传说中,天使化为凡身数年,将希望、勇气与援助带给善 恢复其真实形态。在死亡...
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Dragonborn 5e is being developed from the hatched eggs of a dragon and is considered to have some unique and distinguished features that no other races include. If handled properly, they can serve as one of the most faithful servants and are one of the real warriors of the game....