地下城主指南和 怪物手册 :这两本书主要供 DM 使用,但对于玩家也很有帮助。入门套装 (Starter Set...
出自官方发布Starter Set的模组《凡度尔的失落矿坑》通常情况下,熟练DM带新人入坑都会选择使用这个模组。...
接下来 DM 将会判定冒险者们执行动作的结果,然后根据结果描述出冒险者遭遇的经历。因为 DM 可以根据玩家们 的行动做出应变,所以 D&D 拥有无限的灵活性。这也使得每一场冒险独一无二,同时激动人心。 龙与地下城的游戏中并没有输赢的概念,至少与通常情况下我们所理解的有所不同。勇敢的冒险者们克服艰难苦难的精彩...
即 DM 以冒险者的行进方向,及其在房间或其他地点的 附赠动作 Bonus Action 具体位置为基础,再确定其敌对者在哪(距离的远近和具体位 置)。 许多职业特性、法术和其他能力都会允许你在自已的回 3. 骰先攻Roll initiative。战斗遭遇的每位参与者投先攻骰,以决 合执行一个额外的动作,即为附赠动作。你只有在因特殊...
The Infinite Staircase is one of our favorite plot hooks in recent D&D history, as it gives the DM an easy way to tie together adventures that span different planets, planes, and locations. Similarly, the book features an eclectic and varied collection of adventures. There’s a slightly bigge...
DM 不会与玩家的⾓⾊竞争。你的存在是为了 管理怪物,裁判规则,以及让故事持续演进。 凡戴尔的失落矿坑Lost Mine of Phandelver 是一场适合四 这是共享的故事。这是团队的故事,让玩家通过⾓⾊的⾏动 到五个 1 级角色参与的冒险模组。各角色在冒险过程中可以 产⽣各种后果。⻰与地下城的关键是发挥...
One of the most important skills a good DM needs to learn is the ability to improvise. Sometimes players won’t react as you expected – they’ll completely gloss over the adventure you spent hours drafting and instead choose to investigate the insignificant goblin barkeep you added as set ...
DM Difficulty: Easy Player Difficulty: Hard About: Lost Mine of Phandelver is included in the D&D Starter Set and is probably the most well-received 5e adventure to date. The moduleice is intended to serve as a basic introduction to tabletop D&D. It contains a set of basic rules, an adv...
1. Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Roleplaying Game: An Essential D&D Starter (4th Edition D&D)红盒子,如果不想入坑的话可以光买这个当一般桌游玩,我个人没买,其优点是便宜2. Dungeon Master's Kit: An Essential Dungeons & Dragons Kit (4th Edition D&D)城主手册,我没买这个因为新人当不了DM3.Monster ...