解除魔法(Dispel Magic),游戏《龙与地下城》及其衍生作品中的技能。能力设定 等级:三级法术(3-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS)派系:防护系(Abjuration)组件:VS SR:否 豁免:无 施法时间:单动作 射程:中距 持续时间:立即 摘要:“解除魔法”有三种使用方式,施展时可选择一种:目标性解除、区域性解除或...
魔法效果暂时压制,一般就是指使用解除魔法(Dispel Magic)或者反魔场(Antimagic Field)来使魔法物品暂时变成普通物品,这种效果是暂时的,过一段时间(解除魔法)或者离开作用区域(反魔场)就会恢复魔法效果丧失,核心环境基本只有一个魔法:法师裂解术(Mage’s Disjunction)也叫魔邓肯裂解术(Mordenkainen's Disjunction),外号...
Spin,弓箭手的百步穿杨Called Shot,四级法术火焰护盾Fireshield,五级神术正义魔法Righteous Magic、六级...
第10级起,你施展一个需要你在施法过程中进行属性检定的防护系法术时(比如反制法术counterspell和解除魔法dispel magic),你可以在进行相应的属性检定时加上你的熟练加值。 法术抗力Spell Resistance 第14级起,你对抗法术时进行的豁免检定具有优势。 此外,你对法术造成的伤害具有抗性。 咒法学派 作为一名咒法师,你偏爱...
解除魔法Dispel Magic 假死术Feign Death 融身入石Meld into Stone 植物滋长Plant Growth 防护能量伤害Protection from Energy 雪雨暴Sleet Storm 植物交谈术Speak With Plants 水下呼吸Water Breathing 水上行走Water Walk 风墙术Wind Wall 4环 枯萎术Blight 困惑术Confusion 召唤次级元素生物Conjure Minor Elementals 召...
Dispel Magic (3rd-level Abjuration) Divination (4th-level Divination (Ritual)) Divine Favor (1st-level Evocation) Divine Word (7th-level Evocation) Dominate Beast (4th-level Enchantment) Dominate Monster (8th-level Enchantment) Dominate Person (5th-level Enchantment) ...
Dispel Magic Abjuration Level:3 Casting time:1 Action Range:120 feet Components:V, S Duration:Instantaneous Choose any creature, object, or magical effect within range. Any spell of 3rd level or lower on the target ends. For each spell of 4th level or higher on the target, make an ability...
per day), control weather, creeping doom (once per day), dispelevil, dispel magic, Drawmij’s instant summons, earthquake (3times per day),finger of death (once per day),fire storm (onceper day), heal, holy word (3 times per day), imprisonment(once per day), improved invisibility, ...
How to cast Dispel Magic 5e Dispel Magic has no material components, but it does require verbal and somatic components. Once you know what words and gestures you’re going to use, choose your target. This can be a creature, object, or even a magical effect within range. If there’s a...