聂卡罗斯魔 Nycadaemon 频率:非常罕见出现数量:1(非常罕见的情况下1-2)防御等级:-4 移动:12"/36" 生命骰:12+36 在巢穴内概率:无宝藏类型:Q(×10),X攻击次数:2或1(武器)伤害/攻击:9-16/9-16或根据武器类型+8 特殊攻击:见下文特殊防御:见下文魔法抗力:特殊智力:非常聪明(15-16)- 天才(17-18)阵营:...
The big difference between reading a murder mystery in a novel and playing through one in D&D is the characters have autonomy. Here are some tips for handling interactions that are unique to D&D murder mysteries: Go Low-Level When players have speak with dead, zone of truth, raise dead, an...
The details in this section make a big difference in setting your character apart from every other character. Consider the following two human fighters. Hailing from the Dragonlance setting, Tika Waylan was a brash teenager who had a rough childhood. The daughter of a thief, she ran away from...