Adds icons next to individual settings to distinguish global settings from player ones. Extremely useful for people like me who spend quite a bit of time playing around with module settings :)Requires LibWrapper.Dice So Nice! v4.0.0How can you play D&D without any dice!? Allows you to ...
But I couldn't do much about some ranged combat. That sniper with the Heavy Crossbow--can't see her. It also made for some great roleplaying opportunities to be able to see everything near me but be useless at navigating both in town and the countryside. For the specific question h...
I’m proud to be a co-founder of the Gulf Roleplaying Community, a group we created to bring together roleplayers across the Arabian Gulf and the Middle East, offering a space for enthusiasts to connect and share their love for rolling dice around the table. I have been roleplaying since...
Silicone Dice Mold with Ludo Dnd Resin100 Black Dnd Dice US$0.09 10,000-29,999 Pieces US$0.08 30,000-999,999,999 Pieces US$0.06 1,000,000,000+ Pieces Product Details Customization: Available Age Range: All Ages Expansion Pack: No Contact Supplier Ch...
Force is often described as the best DnD damage type, and while that honorific is largely going to depend on what you’re fighting and how many dice you’re rolling, there’s no denying that it is effective. There are no creatures that are resistant to force damage, not one. And only...
How to "balance" the dice rolls At this point, you either accept the one player with higher stats, or you make everyone use a validatable method. Everyone re-rolls their character in front of at least one other person (can be video if no one is near). This will likel...
are set to slice and dice—I’ve been watching for a while, and I The only challenge greater than surviving a deadly can’t see a way to get past all of them. Whoever built this took dungeon is designing one. The remainder of this book that old trick into account. Wait for one to...
you want the players to enjoy having NPC friends and not just assume that everyone in the campaign world is an enemy and/or useless, but on the other hand, there’s nothing more wanky than the DM rolling dice against themselves while the PCs watch. I didn’t always avoid the wankiness...
Sustained Symbiosis.Your symbiote has a vested interest in your survival and takes steps to ensure it. When you fail a saving throw, you can choose to have your symbiote expend one of your Hit Dice to roll it and add the number rolled to the saving throw, potentially turning the failure ...
Next week we begin our holiday-themed articles, but for now here's a collection of dark and cursed objects — the Azurelight Lantern, Breathless Pipe, Dice of the Den Lord, Draconic Diorama, Emerald Snapper, Linen Larcenist, and Rose of Friendship. These items are all cursed or evil - ...