现在祂领导着狂怒众神(Deitiesof Fury)-欧吕尔(Aruil,寒冬女神)、马拉(Malar,猎杀之神)、安博 里(Umberlee,海洋女神) 。虽然祂与欧吕尔间的关系十分亲近,但风暴之王从来也不曾对夺取寒霜少 女神职的举动感到后悔。祂与深海女王的关系颇为暧昧,但却又充满竞争。然而,祂只是极为勉强的与猛 兽之王合作,且如果马拉...
欧吕尔是「狂怒众神」(Deities of Fury)的一员,与安博里(Umberlee,海洋女神)及马拉(Malar,血腥猎杀之神) 一起侍奉塔烙斯(Talos,风暴与毁灭之神) 。由于近年来塔烙斯不停地夺取她的力量, 因 此欧吕尔让北地(the North)的冬天一年比一年更加冰冷严酷,以求能弥补损失的力量(同时泄愤) 。 她与安博里之间保持着一...
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Perhaps more are attracted to chaos over law, although those who become devoted to a religion or cause seem to gravitate toward lawful deities or philosophies.ReligionHumans are as varied in their beliefs as they are in every other aspect of their lives, and human paragons are no exception. ...
•Order of the Mutant •Order of the Profane Soul Quick Links •Blood Curse •Mutagens TheCleric Clerics are intermediaries between the mortal world and the distant planes of the gods. As varied as the gods they serve, clerics strive to embody the handiwork of their deities. No ordina...
刚刚翻的山丘巨人之神..葛洛蓝托(Grolantor): 居住位面:巨人之乡·农场(The Steading)【根据位面手册和维基百科,则在群峰狱层,流放深渊·卡瑟利(Tarterian Depths of Carceri
Spreading the influence of their deities, their mission is centered on honoring the departed and upholding the sacred passing between life and death itself. This subclass is excellent for support. Their Circle of Morality feature brings fallen allies back into the fight, giving their party an ...
欧格马与迪奈尔(Deneir,文学与艺术之神) 、密里耳(Milil,咏唱之神)、冈德(Gond,工艺之神)一起被世人称为「知识与发明众神」(Deities of Knowledge and Invention)。定名者与 迪奈尔、密里耳之间较为倾向主从关系, 视后两者是祂负责保存推广知识的仆人。祂十分钦佩冈德的热忱, 但也对奇迹使者(Wonderbringer,冈德...
3.是个3或4人的新手团,包括dm都是第一次玩,有什么建议吗 分享75 dnd吧 玛狄莱娜 DND常用缩写阵营: 守序善良(LG)中立善良(NG)混乱善良(CG) 守序中立(LN)绝对中立(N) 混乱中立(CN) 守序邪恶(LE)中立邪恶(NE)混乱邪恶(CE) L:Lawful C:Chaos G:Good E:Evil N:Neutral 属性: 力量,STR,Strength 敏捷...
of the earliest tanar'ri, like Demogorgon, Juiblex, the alkiliths, and the myrmyxicus had few, if any, humanoid aspects. The raw chaos of the Abyss left them primeval and monstrous. Other tanar'ri bear the mark of sibriex alterations and have an almost mechanical aspect to parts of ...