Rather than arguing about it just buy into the trope the player is developing for their character ("Greatest Trivia Nerd of All Time"), set a DC arbitrarily based on how hard that seems, and see where the dice take you. Share Follow edited Jun 16, 2020 at 10:23 Communi...
Other classsed also can sometimes double their profieciency bonus. Also, while the max DC for a level 1 char is 26, the max DC for level 20 is 37 thus making activities that are literally impossible for a level 1 char to be possible even ifnot always probable at level 20. Lastly I'...
taskalsohasaspecificlevelofdifficulty(DC)oragainst rolls(usuallythesameskillcheckorcounterskilltest).Your greatestskillprogressionisthecharacter'srank+3(halfof professionalskills)orhalf(forcrosscareerskills).The charactergetsskillpointsateachlevelofhisprofession(see ...
Concentration check DC= 20 + level Damage victim Grapple check for unarmed strike Draw up to light weapon Escape Another opposed grapple check 1 check vs each opponent fail 1 fail all Success= move to adjacent space Move Opposed grapple Vs all individually ½ speed +4 if victim pinned Get ...
Abilities that require a Saving Throw should use the following Stand DC: 8 + Cha + Proficiency Bonus. No Dice: May be an Ability that buffs/debuffs someone or some sort of utility. These Abilities are generally lower powered but reliable. The strength of the effect may still scale with ...