Prince of Lies, by James Lowder (paperback, August 1993, ISBN 978-1-56076-626-1; paperback re-issue, September 2003, ISBN 978-0-7869-3114-9)Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad, by Troy Denning (paperback, ISBN 978-0-7869-0724-3; paperback re-issue, November 2003, ISBN 978-0-...
称呼:暗日(The Dark Sun)、谎言王子(Prince of Lies)、疯神(the Mad God) 神职:死亡、凶杀、 死者、冲突、暴政、谎言 神力:强大神力 所处位面:群魔殿(Pandemonium) 领域:破碎城堡 阵营:无序邪恶 Cyric 丹尼尔 称呼:浮雕与画像之神(Lord of All Glyphs and Images) 神职:文学、艺术 神力:较弱神力 所处...
dnd神系(DNDisgod)dnd神系(DND is god)This is the origin of the dark elves; thirteen thousand years ago, in the Forgotten Realms on the elves each other off the "crown war", from a war for three thousand years. Ai river reach (ARYVANDAAR) Mai Ye Lee Kobita (MIYERITAR), Santa ...
Cyric: death, murder, the dead, conflict, tyranny, lies Deneir: literature, art, Eldath: peace, pool, spring, Druid, grove Gond: skills, crafts, architecture [high morals, inspiration] Helm: guardian, protect the God of Arno, the gate of gate 2 ...
Ao is the overpower of Toril, and as such is above the petty concerns of weaker gods. Sec, he's the high-up who watches over the actions of the other deities and ensures that they abide by the rules of the cosmos. He's made the laws known in the past; it's likely he'll do ...
对艾欧的直接信仰已经沉寂,除去一支位于 深水城Waterdeep 之内的教派、以及一支位于 泰瑟尔Tethyr 地区扎泽司泊城Zazesspur 奉艾欧之名的教派外,其他所有教派都被证实背后的支持者实为 希瑞克Cyric 而非艾欧。位于深水城内的那个团体与其说是一支教会,更像是个辩论社团,其成员按照自认为受艾欧支持的原则(即寻求...
巴尔在 巴里斯凯尔桥Boareskyr Bridge 被希瑞克Cyric 用神灾剑Godsbane 杀死了。神灾剑即是剑形态中的 马斯克Mask(显然是马斯克的一尊化身)。因此,神力当然可以杀死神力。午夜Midnight 在深水城Waterdeep 用一道 解离术disintegrate 法术杀死了 米尔寇Myrkul,然后用一道 次元门dimension door 将死去化身的尸体移动到了 ...