Token Magic FX - An insanely cool module that adds visual effects to tokens, spell effects, custom lighting effects, macros, you name it. If you and your players want a more visual representation of the different spells and effects within your game, this is a fantastic module to add. Why...
the playstyle and build of each class varies - you build up to a concept with the features that you choose, which in turn adapt the method in which you can best play your character. For spellcasters, this is usually in the building of your spell list; for rog...
Brandes Stoddard describes six sinister spellbooks, along with each's properties and associated plot hooks. Be careful how you handle the Codex of Khiruzam or the Libram of the Crimson Wasting; benefit from the illusion properties of the Green Book of Ka-Jorra or the stormy properties of Her...