It is also one the most enjoyable creatures to throw at an unsuspecting group, regardless of their level, serving as a great addition to any spooky dungeon or mysterious mansion. The Mimic’s claim-to-fame, of course, is that they can shape-shift into any unassuming object, from a rocking...
When talking about the best dragons in D&D, we had to mention the fact that you can literally playasa dragon. One of the coreDnD racesin 5e (called Species in the new rules),Dragonbornsare tall, humanoid creatures that display many of the physical features of a dragon – some even have...
Just remember that intelligent creatures have access to the same methods of defeating wererats that PCs do (silvering weapons, enchanting weapons to be magic, using poison or fire, etc) so your PCs shouldn't feel like they can just stroll into a monster room without fear. Share...
Paladins are holy warriors dedicated to righteousness and justice. They combine martial prowess with divine magic, smiting evil creatures and protecting their allies. Paladins can heal wounds, lay hands on the injured, and are capable of tanking or dealing with heavy damage. The Paladin is one o...
Wild Shapeis really what makes a Druid a Druid. Their ability to shapeshift into different beasts and creatures the character has encountered sets them apart from other spellcasting classes. Some of the Druid’s circle subclasses enhance this feature even more, unlocking far more powerful creatures...