heighten spell增强法术,improve spellcapacity(10th)提升法术能力(10级),iron will钢铁意志,persistentspell持久法术,quicken spell快速施法,scribe scroll撰写卷轴,skillfocus(spellcraft)技能强化(法术知能),skillfocus(transmuration)法术强化(改变系),skill focus(evocation)法术强化(塑能系),spellmastery法术掌握(black...
Spell Scroll (Scroll) Spellguard Shield (Armor (shield)) Sphere of Annihilation (Wondrous item) Staff of Charming (Staff) Staff of Fire (Staff) Staff of Frost (Staff) Staff of Healing (Staff) Staff of Power (Staff) Staff of Striking (Staff) ...
Accessed via a separate tab on an item's sheet. When equipped and attuned to, the item's spells or magical feats will be available via the Spellcasting tab in the character's sheet.SettingDefaultRecommendedComments Only identified Enabled --- --- Hide settings tab from players Disabled ---...
The use of Modify Memory can change with the situation, and it’s important to remember that it’s a flexible spell. You can use it to change a memory, erase it, create something entirely new, or just make someone remember something they had previously forgotten. You don’t have to use...
When you cast this spell, you inscribe a glyph that harms other creatures, either upon a surface (such as a table or a section of floor or wall) or within an object that can be closed (such as a book, a scroll, or a treasure chest) to conceal the glyph. ...
whenever you finish a long rest, you can create one magic scroll by touching your Wizardly Quill to a blank piece of paper or parchment and causing one spell from your Awakened Spellbook to be copied onto the scroll. The spellbook must be within 5 feet of you when you make the scroll. ...
For most other things, head to the vertical toolbar on the left side of the screen. First up, you have the ‘Select’ and ‘Pan’ buttons, which help you scroll around the map and move your tokens (by clicking and dragging, as we already explained). ...
要想施展一道法术,你必须在自己的意识里准备了它,或是使用一件能令你使出该法术的魔法物品(如法术卷轴Spell Scroll)。如果你能施法,那么你的特性会列出你能使用哪些法术、你是否始终准备了某些特定法术、以及你是否可以更改你准备的法术列表。 -- 准备法术Preparing Spells...
造粮 。 Create Food and Water 观察者眼魔以魔法制造⾜够维 持⾃⼰ 24 ⼩时供给的⾷物和饮⽤⽔。 反应 法术反射Spell Reflection 。如果观察者眼魔通过了对法术的 豁免检定,或者对其发动的法术攻击未命中时,它可以指定⾝ 边 30 尺范围内⼀个它能看⻅的其他⽣物(包括施法者),如果 该法术...