Counterspell (Open in new window) 3 Abjuration Special No No Players Handbook Create Bonfire (Open in new window) 0 Conjuration 1 Action No Yes Elemental Evil Create Food and Water (Open in new window) 3 Conjuration 1 Action No No Players Handbook Create Homunculus (Open in new window) 6...
Control Water (4th-level Transmutation) Control Weather (8th-level Transmutation) Counterspell (3rd-level Abjuration) Create Food and Water (3rd-level Conjuration) Create or Destroy Water (1st-level Transmutation) Create Undead (6th-level Necromancy) ...
The DnD Cleric can play many roles in an adventuring party, and the list ofCleric spells 5Eoffers naturally reflects this. Whether you want to be a holy healer or a righteous smiter, theDnD Cleric spellscan make your priestly dreams come to life. This guide provides the complete list ofDnD...
Spell levelSpells 1Fog Cloud 2Blur 3Sleet Storm 4Control Water 5Cone of Cold Genie’s Vessel Level: One Your Patron gifts you a Tiny object that can be used as a spellcasting focus for Warlock spells. You can decide what that object is, so feel free to get creative. It has an armor...
(月之海地方)+11,聆听+7,专业(药草师)+8,骑术(龙)+9,骑术(马)+7,探知+20,辨识法术+30,侦查+9,野外求生+7;战斗施法,制造法杖,制造魔杖,制造奇物,制造传送门(Create Portal),锻造戒指,法术极效,法术瞬发,抄录卷轴,专攻技能(辨识法术),施法天赋(Spellcasting Prodigy),法术穿透,专攻法术(咒法系),专攻...
操纵水位(Control Water):使水位上升或下降。 治疗重伤(Cure Serious Wounds):治疗3d8点伤害,每等级再多治疗1点,最多+15点。 解除魔法(Dispel Magic):解除魔法或魔法效果。 焰击术(Flame Strike):用神圣火焰打击敌人(每等级1d6点伤害)。 行动自如(Freedom of Movement):受术者可以无视障碍正常移动。 巨虫术(...
Control Weather (8th-level Transmutation) Counterspell (3rd-level Abjuration) Create Food and Water (3rd-level Conjuration) Create or Destroy Water (1st-level Transmutation) Create Undead (6th-level Necromancy) Creation (5th-level Illusion)
(Control Water)任意门(Dimension Door)艾伐黑触手(Evards Black Tentacles)鬼斧神工(Fabricate)火焰护盾(Fire Shield)高级隐形术(Greater Invisibility)幻景(Hallucinatory Terrain)冰风暴(Ice Storm)李欧蒙秘藏箱(Leomunds Secret Chest)生物定位术(Locate Creature)摩登肯忠犬(Mordenkainens Faithful Hound)摩登肯私人...
Regardless of the type of undead you create with this spell, you can't create more HD of undead than twice your caster level with a single casting of animate dead. (The desecrate spell doubles this limit.) The undead you create remain under your control indefinitely. No matter how many ti...
Control Water 操控水位 变化 1个动作 300尺 8 Control Weather 操控天气 变化 10分钟 自身(5英里半径) 3 Counterspell 法术反制 1个反应动作,当你看到60尺内有生物施法 防护 60尺 6 Creat Undead 唤起死灵 死灵 1分钟 10尺 5 Creation 造物术 幻术 1分钟 30尺 2 Crown of Madness 疯狂冠冕 附魔 1个动作...