Languages: Yuan-ti, Common, Draconic, Abyssal Favored:Climate Warm Average Height:4’7″ – 6’6″ Average Weight: 90 – 280 lbs. Having the appearance of snake-like creatures,Yuan-ti-Pureblood 5eis the race that is being developed from the remains of the decadent and ancient human empire...
Able to exhale a force of destructive energy that deals 1d10 damage (or 2d6 in the 2014 rules) on a failed Constitution saving throw, they’ve got an ace in the hole straight out of the gate. Its damage and difficulty class will increase as you level, and your chosen Draconic Ancestry...
It’s also common for new players to misunderstand the Bard’s core role in combat. You may think your character is the star of the show at all times, but their support-focused mechanics often mean they’re most effective when empowering a more specialized friend. Bard subclasses While there...
精灵只要经过密门或隐蔽门五英尺内,无需刻意注意就能自动进行搜索检定来找它,如同在主动寻找一样。 天生使用语言:通用语(Common),精灵语(Elven)。额外语言:龙语(Draconic),豺狼人语(Gnoll),侏儒语(Gnome),地精语(Goblin),兽人语(Orc),木族语(Sylvan)。 天赋职业:法师。当计算精灵兼职角色的经验值惩罚时,其法师...
Dragonborn (also known as Strixiki inDraconic; or Vayemniri, "Ash-Marked Ones", in Tymantheran draconic)were a race of draconic creatures native to Abeir, Toril's long-sundered twin.During the Spellplague, dragonborn were transplanted from Abeir to Toril, themajority of them living in ...
•Draconic Bloodline •Divine Soul •Lunar Sorcery •Shadow Magic •Storm Sorcery •Wild Magic Kaladesh •Pyromancy Unearthed Arcana(a) None Available TheWarlock Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with mysterious bei...
Dragon Casualty Draconic CoS (AL) 3 Special (See page) Intimidation (CHA), survival (WIS) Earthspur Miner Dwarvish, Undercommon EE (AL) 3 None Athletics (STR), survival (WIS) Entertainer None PHB 130 Disguise kit, musical instrument x1 Acrobatics (DEX), performance (CHA) Faction Agent An...
Ashardalon’s Stridefor a +20 to speed. Draconic Transformation,Fly,andInvestiture of Windgive 60 feet of flight. Hastedoubles the speed of your target. Longstriderimproves speed by 10 feet. Spider Climbgives a climb speed. Tasha’s Otherworldly Guisegives 40 feet of flight. ...
Draconic Sorcerersget to double their proficiency bonus when interacting with Dragons using Charisma. A handful of feats grant expertise in skill checks. Notably: Prodigy, which is sadly restricted to Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, or Humans, grants a skill and tool proficiency, a language, and expertise...
You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic. Unearthed Arcana Source: Unearthed Arc...