而怪物们使用的武器和护甲通常状态低劣,很难卖出好价钱。 魔法物品Magic Items。魔法物品的出售存在种种问题。找一个买药剂或卷轴的人并不太难,但是其它魔法物品则只有最有钱的贵族能消费的起。类似的情况是,你也很难买到常见魔法物品之外的魔法物品或法术。魔法的存在无法单纯用金子来衡量其价值,并且理应一直保持这...
物件出现后该随即法术终止。如果另一个生物正持握或携带着该物件,则粉碎蓝宝石的动作无法将该物品传送过来。不过你会知晓是谁占有了该物品,以及其此刻身处的何处。解除魔法 dispel magic 或成功生效的类似效应作用于这颗蓝宝石时,将提前终止本法术。 来自Android客户端2楼2023-06-12 02:10 回复 ...
宝藏 语言与方言Languages and Dialects 7 Treasure 派系与组织Factions and Organizations 宝藏类型Types of Treasure 世界中的魔法Magic in Your World 随机宝藏Random Treasure 创作战役Creating a Campaign 魔法物品Magic Items 战役事件Campaign Events 智能魔法物品Sentient Magic Items 游戏风格Play Style 神器Artifacts ...
超魔编织 WeaveMeta-magic。未暖视为拥有所有超魔选项,她应用超魔效应不消耗术法点。天界机敏Heaven Astute。每轮未暖可以任意使用和与她敌对的生物数量相等的反应。术法点。未暖拥有且最多拥有27个术法点。未暖可以在自己回合内以一个附赠动作将若干未使用术法点转换为相等环阶的法术。施法:未暖施展以下法术...
Magic Items: Here are all the Magic Items in the dnd game arranged in Alphabetical order. Adamantine Armor (Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide)) Ammunition (Weapon (any ammunition)) Amulet of Health (Wondrous item) Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location (Wondrous item) ...
theeffect of spells– this means you can’t interrupt a ritual or spell being cast, and you can’t target an instantaneous spell as the effect has already been resolved (you’re better off withCounterspell 5efor that). You also can’t target the effects of magical items or innate ...
So it’s onlyD&D spellsand5e Magic Itemsthat are going bye-bye. If you want to preserve these old rules on the DnD Beyond website, you’ll need to create your own homebrew versions of this content and then copy them across. You might want to consult our guide to thebiggest spell chan...
Characters in Dungeons & Dragons 5E have many different abilities to call on in combat, so magic items aren’t as crucial to the game as they used to be. The exception is the temporary one-use items, like potions and spell scrolls, which provide a needed extra boost of power or healing...
This feat enable you to craft and buy mundane items more efficiently, but its ceiling isn’t incredibly high as magic and magic items usually make them irrelevant. The items in the Fast Crafting table won’t be particularly impactful unless you really need something like a Ladder or Grappling...
NOTE: With the recent update to Foundry version 0.7.x and other module changes to Better Rolls/Magic Items/Better Curses, there is an extremely serious bug that can prevent your world from loading if you have previous versions of this module installed. If you have Forien's Unidentified Items...