魔化武器(Magic Weapon)[类法术能力]:二级起,密林射手可施展施法者等级等同与密林射手职业等级的高等魔法武器(Greater Magic Weapon),其效果如同名神术。这个能力每天只能用一次,且仅对弹射武器有效。致密瞄射(Take Aim)[特异能力]:二级起,密林射手能通过一轮的精确瞄准以在接下来的一轮中获得对静止目标的命中检定...
Spellcasting makes up the bread and butter of the Sorcerer. As a Sorcerer you have the highest number of daily spell slots available to a character of their level (tied with theBard 5e,Cleric 5e,Druid 5e, and Wizard). However, you can only choose a relatively limited number of spells to...
17 Unerring Accuracy, an additional Kensei weapon Sword saints and students of the noble blade, Monks following the Way of the Kensei 5e are masters of certain armaments. They train with dedication until they master a pair of weapons, which can be any simple or martial weapon that lacks the...
My personal favorite is War Caster. Not only does it give the Battle Smith advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration, it also lets them cast somatic spell components with weapon or shield in-hand. Attacks of opportunity can even be taken with spells rather than melee. Th...
• Spiderwords can select nonweapon proficiencies from the warrior group without penalty.·蜘蛛之剑能煽动自己进入狂战士的狂暴。此狂暴将持续10轮。在这期间,蜘蛛之剑在攻击、伤害和所有豁免上获得+2加值。此能力每日一次。如果蜘蛛之剑在狂暴期间而敌人死伤殆尽,他必须在攻击附近的任何活物(甚至是一个盟友)...
Most builds that want to use a specific weapon have proficiency in that weapon. This isn’t even worth it as a half-feat. If you’re looking for extra weapon proficiencies, it’s usually more worth it to multiclass into a class that has access to the weapon you’re looking for.Related...
(a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon (a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack A shield and a holy symbol Spellcasting As a conduit for divine power, you can cast cleric spells. See chapter 10 for the general rules of spellcasting and chapter 11 for...
Cleric •Beauty Domain •Blood Domain •Blood Domain Reborn •Mind Domain •Moon Domain Druid •Circle of the Blighted •Circle of the Forged Fighter •Gunslinger •Renegade Monk •Way of the Cobalt Soul •Way of the Living Weapon ...
18 精灵武器训练 Elf Weapon Training 。你拥有长剑、短剑、 卓尔武器训练 Drow Weapon Training 。你拥有刺剑、短 短弓和长弓等武器的熟练项。 剑和手弩等武器的熟练项。 戏法 Cantrip。你掌握一个戏法,你可以从法师法术列表 中自选其一。其施法关键属性为智力。 卓尔之暗 The Darkness of the Drow 额外语言 ...
盗贼技能和非武器熟练Thief Skills and Nonweapon Proficiencies: 化身的职业等级令祂们的盗贼技能(盗窃、开锁、寻找/解除陷阱、潜行、阴影躲藏、辨声、爬墙、解读文书)的任何使用都自动成功,所以不在此列出具体百分比。同样的,化身的职业等级给予令祂们的非武器熟练例如追踪,也将就像该熟练允许自动成功那样自动成功。通...