Bard subclasses While there are manyDnD Bard subclassesin 5e, only four were updated for the 2024 Player’s Handbook, which is the most up-to-date version of the game’s rules. These are: College of Dance:The power of busting a move makes you extra agile and capable of dealing devastati...
A comment on a previous blog entry inspired me to do a bit more on this project. Firstly, I was never all that happy with the Wise Warrior so I got rid of it and added three new classes. All classes are based on classes and subclasses in the Dungeons & Dragons SRD but with adjustme...
Despite the familiar write-up, thedwarf 5especies still has surprises up its sleeves. With the right combination of subraces andDnD classes, players can create unique dwarfDnD character buildsthat bring utility and variety to their roleplaying. The dwarf is one of the most enduringDnD racesfor ...
It’s quite surprising that given the role of fighters within a party that there aren’t more tankish subclasses. The Legionnaire is just that subclass, specializing in the use of a shield and protecting their teammates. Legionnaire Strengths: As the name might suggest, Legionnaires are particul...
In the full article, I briefly explain each class and recommend some of the best subclasses for those classes, so you’ll have an idea of where to take the character when the time comes. I also talk about the best races and backgrounds that suit those classes. For example, one of ...
TCoE Optional Rule: Additional Wizard Spells: The expanded spell list offers new options for wizards but doesn’t feel like it diminishes any of the other classes. More options are usually a good thing and that is the case here. 2nd Level At 2nd level wizards get to choose their Arcane Tr...
A few other classes can get it through subclasses or alternative abilities. These options are often much more restrictive, activating only in specific situations or for a subset of abilities. For example: Knowledge Clericsapply it to two specific skills from a set list: Arcana, History, Nature...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
Bladesinging, Graviturgy, and Transmutation Wizards Related:Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Wizard subclass in BG3 This list does not include subclasses that have features that allow a character to move as a reaction or bonus action. These all can provide numerical bonuses to speed at some point in ...
Thief video game series; a cloaked figure wreathed in black who strikes from the shadows with a well-placed arrow or blade. This is not the case, as the Rogue is one of the most versatile and liquid classes in concept, and players have a lot of freedom to tailor their character around...