5th Edition (5e) Homebrew Content New classes, equipment, backgrounds, creatures, deities, etc. (33320 items) Open Game Content Pages published under the OGL. A work in progress. (1609 items) System Reference Document Pages published by WotC that are allowed to be on D&D Wiki. (1224 items...
在典型的D&D遊戲中,DM做出許多規則決定——有些幾乎察覺不到,有些則相當明顯。玩家也解釋規則,整個小組保持遊戲運行。然而,有時規則的設計意圖不明確,或者一條規則似乎與另一條規則矛盾。 處理這些情況是《賢者建議》出現的地方。這個欄目並不取代DM的裁定。就像規則一樣,《賢者建議》旨在為DM以及玩家提供根據他們的...
每個種族的描述都包括了該種族成員共同具有的種族特性。大多數種族的特性包括以下項目: 能力值增加每個種族都會增加一個或多個角色的能力值。 年齡年齡項目記錄了該種族成員被視為成年的年齡,以及種族的預期壽命。這些信息可以幫助你決定你的角色在遊戲開始時的年齡。你可以為你的角色選擇任何年齡,這可以解釋一些你的能...
Read on for our full overview of each 5e class, its main subclasses, strengths, and weaknesses, and top tips for creation. We’ll also explain a few of the most popularhomebrew classesto try – or you can hop to ourFAQsection at the end for more in-depth info on how classes and su...
Dungeons & Dragons 第五版有一些很棒的已发布战役模块,供玩家和 DM 在计划下一次冒险时选择。当大多数人开始玩龙与地下城时,他们的第一站将是海岸威世智创建的众多预先编写的游戏模块之一。这些冒险模块有故事情节、战斗遭遇和魔法物品,让每个人都直接进入冒险。最棒的是,D&D 5e有一些精彩的冒险,供玩家和DM...
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Warlock 5e builds Warlocks excel for their versatility. Few other classes can be played in such a variety of ways, and no other spellcasters have as unique an array of magical options. While your playstyle will be largely determined by your chosen patron and pact, much is also decided by ...