Ambitious and portentous, Paladins of theOath of the Ancients 5esubclass throw themselves into the cosmic struggle of light versus dark, receiving some splendidDruid 5e-like powers to show for it. Much of their spell list focuses on restraining enemies, immobilizing them to cut down in your nex...
This has approximately a million uses: healing battery; letting a non-caster maintain a concentration buff; letting a familiar kick out attacks; granting the partyRogue 5eten invisibilities a day; letting the whole party use Alter Self to make them disguised as the enemy – the list is endles...
Expertise is given to the most skillful characters in DnD 5E, and for good reason. This is an incredible ability for out-of-combat—and, occasionally, in-combat—that should not be misunderstood. Recommended Videos However, despite the fact that it exists within several classes and has ...
Here is the brief intro about the Warlock Class in DND 5E. This includes the Hit Points, Proficiencies, Equipment, Rage, Unarm Defense, and many more traits.
The real meat of this class comes at level six, whereyou deal more damage to enemies when you cast a spell of a specific element. Fire and Lightning have some great options on the Sorcerer spell list for high damage, while Cold is a good runner-up with solid crowd control utility. This...
The RAW say that the unarmed strike is a simple weapon, Humanoids only have proficiency in the weapons listed by their class, and the monk class does not list the unarmed strike, so Humanoid monks aren’t proficient in them. RAW, you go to 0 hp when you start drowning. RAW, the una...
It is a fan-made points-based system for measuring 5e races. Detect Balance: an Improved Scale for Measuring 5e Races is a fan-made spreadsheet used to try and produce well-balanced Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition races. It assigns points values to each ability of each race. It was origina...
Spell compendium to use for random scrolls dnd5e.spells CustomSharedCompendiums.all-ddb-spells Point this to your full spell list Why retired: Never ended up using them.Better Rolls - Overhauls the rolling system with major improvements. Better-looking chat rolls, helpful character sheet buttons,...
DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters in D&D.
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.