答案:DND(Dungeons & Dragons,龙与地下城)规则中的术语有很多,以下是一些常见的术语:1. 角色(Character):玩家在游戏中扮演的虚拟人物,具有独特的属性、技能和背景故事。2. 属性(Ability Scores):描述角色基本能力的数值,包括力量(Strength)、敏捷(Dexterity)、体质(Constitution)、智力(In...
### 3. 属性和能力值 (Ability Scores) 在DND第五版中,有六个核心属性,它们影响角色的能力和技能。每个属性都有一个对应的能力值(Ability Score),这个值通常在1到20之间,1是最低,20是最高。以下是六个属性及其影响: ### 1. 力量 (Strength) - **影响**:影响角色的近战攻击、近战武器伤害以及某些技能,...
Plus, Paladin players have a lot of ability scores to juggle. Strength and Charisma are the absolute bare minimum, with Constitution also playing a major role in your build. When your class can do everything, you’ve got to build carefully to avoid getting spread too thin. ...
“属性值摘要表”则提供了一个方便概述,其中包含了各属性分别衡量了哪些素质,而各属性又分别因属于哪个种族而有所提升,以及各职业特别看重哪些属性。你随机产生你的角色的六项属性值Ability scores。投四次6面骰并在草稿纸上记下最高三个骰值之和。再重复五次该过程,你便获得了六项数值。如果你想要节约时间或者...
Ability Score Improvement When you reach fourth level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by two, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by one. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using...
2.属性(Ability Scores):描述角色基本能力的数值,包括力量(Strength)、敏捷(Dexterity)、体质(Constitution)、智力(Intelligence)、感知(Wisdom)和魅力(Charisma)。 3.种族(Race):角色的种族决定了他们的外貌、文化和天赋。常见的种族包括人类(Human)、精灵(Elf)、矮人(Dwarf)等。
2.属性(Ability Scores):描述角色基本能力的数值,包括力量(Strength)、敏捷(Dexterity)、体质(Constitution)、智力(Intelligence)、感知(Wisdom)和魅力(Charisma)。 3.种族(Race):角色的种族决定了他们的外貌、文化和天赋。常见的种族包括人类(Human)、精灵(Elf)、矮人(Dwarf)等。
Without the full training that a beginning character receives, you must be a quick study in your new class, having a natural aptitude that is reflected by higher-than-average ability scores. Multiclassing Prerequisites ClassAbility Score Minimum Barbarian Strength 13 Bard Charisma 13 Cleric Wisdom ...
Multiclassing Alignment Languages Inspiration Backgrounds Equipment Currency Selling Treasure Armor Weapons Adventure Gear Tools Mounts & Vehicles Trade Goods Expenses Feats Grappler Using Ability Scores Ability Scores and Modifiers Advantage and Disadvantage ...
Humans get a +1 to their Ability Scores, which never goes amiss. Given the +2 to Dexterity and their Halfling nimbleness, they would make a great melee Ranger who can move swiftly too. Halflings also benefit from 'Halfling Luck,' a frankly overpowered perk that allows you to reroll a ...