Medieval Fantasy City generator Perilous Shores Virtual Tabletops Tools for playing online together on a battlemap. Fantasy Grounds - A virtual tabletop application, which contains a set of tools to assist players of tabletop role-playing games Foundry Virtual Tabletop - A self-hosted, modern, and...
I use it for regional/world/city maps. Again, I highly recommend it. Inkarnate is another good alternative. Arkenforge - Another great map maker and VTT. Especially useful for in-person games. I don't use it anymore, but it worked well while I did. Inkarnate - An alternative to ...
City Street Dungeon Maps Dungeon Modules Dungeons Encounter Ideas Hamlet Map Hexcrawl Map Generator House Maps House Rooms Improv Cheat Sheet Improved NPC Generator Insults Junk Locations (Exotic) Magic Items Magical Junk Map Maker Names Non-Combat ...
Have them make a couple skill checks to avoid dangerous zones of wild magic as they traverse the city, taking 2d10 damage on failure. They then find the monster, a Spider of Leng.A Molten Spider and 2 Phase Spiders are also part of its brood. The Spider of Leng already has stoneskin ...
I’ll get right to the point: Warlocks shouldn’t exist in 5e I know, I know - put the pitchfork down for just a moment. It’s not that Warlock’s aren’t fun (they are). It’s not that they’re game breaking (they aren’t). It’s not that the ba...
Whether evading guards, catching thieves, or navigating dark alleys, these spells are the mainstay of the city-born caster. Carvel's convoked conveyance, dubious aura, hellish handshake, and verminous shroud are just some of the spells found here, ranging from 1st-8th level spells. Monstrous ...
City Street Dungeon Maps Dungeon Modules Dungeons Encounter Ideas Hamlet Map Hexcrawl Map Generator House Maps House Rooms Improv Cheat Sheet Improved NPC Generator Insults Junk Locations (Exotic) Magic Items Magical Junk Map Maker Names Non-Combat NPCs Outdoor Descriptions Plot Hooks Plot Twist Puzz...
a mountain and a beach can be seen. As more of the island comes into view, you see the face of the cliff has been carved into a literal face. The work is amateur and incomplete, but you recognize it as an even uglier rendition of the man on the other side of the treasure map. ...