"dnd-5e-charactersheetDnD 5E interactive CharacterSheet" 是一款基于Dungeons & Dragons第五版规则的互动角色卡应用程序。该应用程序提供了丰富的功能,帮助玩家轻松管理角色信息。玩家可以记录角色的属性、技能、装备、法术等详细信息,并实时更新角色的状态。角色卡界面清晰易用,让玩家快速查看角色的能力和特点。此外,...
Weekly updated dataset of D&D characters submitted to https://oganm.com/shiny/printSheetApp and https://oganm.com/shiny/interactiveSheet. A superset of characters used in oganm/dndstats - oganm/dnddata
The official home and digital toolset for Dungeons & Dragons. Dive into D&D books, create a character, and more!
Character builder for DnD, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, GURPs, Cyberpunk, etc. Keep all your stats in one browser tab. Try World Anvil today.
进行龙与地下城需要的道具只有三圣书、每个玩家角色一张角色纸(Character Sheet)、几颗多面骰和笔。其他像是微缩模型、指示物(token)、地图纸、卡片、扩充规则书、设计好的冒险模组和各种战役设定书都能增加游戏的乐趣,但是这些并非必备品。 和其他桌上游戏最大的不同之处在于,龙与地下城的主题并不是个主持人和...
matsavage / DND-5e-LaTeX-Character-Sheet-Template Star 100 Code Issues Pull requests LaTeX package to typeset character sheets for the fifth edition of the "world's greatest roleplaying game". dnd rpg tex latex dungeons-and-dragons dnd5e lualatex Updated Oct 14, 2024 TeX eiriksgata ...
The official home and digital toolset for Dungeons & Dragons. Dive into D&D books, create a character, and more!
This isn't to say that any of this is necessary for enjoying tabletop RPG's, and some of the best games I've had have been with borrowed dice and a printed character sheet that has seen better days. But for anyone wanting to add some AI-assisted character to their campaigns, a smart...
TL;DR, it's time to update your character sheet. But don't celebrate just yet. There's more than mechanics that change... Step 4. Deal With the Fallout Even if your Dungeon Master hand waves the fact that you become lawful evil, your character’s priorities will change. Their personali...
Groctel’s Character Sheets - Custom character sheet by /u/Groctel Monstrous Races - This document presents rules for playing every creature in the Monster Manual Figurines Where to buy/customize figurines Hero Forge Custom Figs - Design your own custom 3D miniatures for purchase with a ton of...