怪物的挑战等级Challenge Rating说明怪物所产生威胁的强度。装备适中且休息妥当的四人队伍,面对怪物的平均挑战等级与队伍角色等级相当时,理论上可以成功避免战斗产生的伤亡情况。例如,四名3级角色组成的队伍应战一名挑战等级为3的怪物时,会觉得旗鼓相当而不会感觉对方能造成致命伤害。明显比1级角色弱的怪物会拥有低于1的挑...
例如我们使用的一些术语: 活动- DnD 游戏 DM(地下城主的缩写)- 主持活动的人 DC(Difficulty Class 的缩写)- 技能检查的难度 CR(Challenge Rating 的缩写)- 打败一只怪物的难度For instance these are some of the terms we use: Campaign- a game of DnD DM (short for Dungeon Master)- the person who ...
- **集中**:某些法术和效果需要角色保持集中,以维持其效果。 ### 8. CR (Challenge Rating) - **挑战等级**:表示怪物难度的等级,用于确定角色击败怪物后获得的经验值。 ### 9. Crit - **暴击**:攻击掷出最高值(通常是20)时,造成额外伤害。 ### 10. DC (Difficulty Class) - **难度等级**:技能...
所有陷阱,机械的或者魔法的,都有以下要素:触发器,复位,搜索DC,解除装置DC,攻击加值(或豁免,或延时启动),伤害/效果,以及挑战等级(Challenge Rating)。有些陷阱还包括可选要素,例如毒或者开关。这些特性说明见后。 触发器(Trigger) 陷阱的触发器决定了它如何启动。 位置型(Location):位置触发器会在有人站在特定...
Challenge Rating: 27 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually chaotic evil Advancement: 27-54 HD (Huge...
At a challenge rating of only two, we’d advise customising and improving a mimic if your party is at higher levels. Still, a well-placed mimic can cause the group to second guess every mundane-looking knick-knack for the rest of the campaign – and that’s priceless. ...
The book includes at least80 new DnD monsters, so we’ll have plenty of new encounters to test once we’ve got to grips with the rules updates. There are some systematic changes on their way as well:according to Wizards, the janky Challenge Rating system is being overhauled!
Challenge Rating: 57 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Always chaotic evil Advancement: 53–58 HD (Huge); 59–70 HD (Gargantuan); 71–140 HD (Colossal)--- A hecatoncheires’ natural weapons are treated as epic, evil, and chaotic-aligned for the purpose of overcoming da...
所有陷阱,机械的或者魔法的,都有以下要素:触发器,复位,搜索DC,解除装置DC,攻击加值(或豁免,或延时启动),伤害/效果,以及挑战等级(ChallengeRating)。有些陷阱还包括可选要素,例如毒或者开关。这些特性说明见后。 触发器(Trigger) 陷阱的触发器决定了它如何启动。
A quest to implement the most brutal math in all of D&D, the computation of monster challenge rating, into a single, time-saving application. dnd yaml dnd5e dnd5e-tools monster-challenge-rating Updated May 26, 2019 Python palikhov / palikhov.github.io Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests...