链甲衫Chain Shirt。该护甲由互相锁接的金属环组成,通常着装于布衣或皮衣的夹层之间。这种护甲为着装者的上半身提供了适中的保护,且锁环间相互碰撞的声音也可以被外层衣服减弱。 鳞甲Scale Mail。该护甲由一件皮外套和护胫(可能附有护裙)组合而成,其防护部分由相叠的铁片覆盖,结构有如鱼的鳞片。此护甲同时还附有...
飞镖dart,手弩hand crossbow,小刀knife,套索lasso,闷棍sap,短剑short sword,投索sling,木棍staff防具ARMOR:皮甲Leather,衬甲padded leather,镶嵌皮甲studded leather,或是精灵链甲or elven chain mail;无盾牌no shield主修领域MAJOR SPHERES
专属祭司Specialty Priests(探寻者Finders) 职业需求REQUIREMENTS:感知Wisdom 11,魅力Charisma 15关键属性PRIME REQ.:感知Wisdom,魅力Charisma阵营ALIGNMENT:混乱中立CN,混乱善良CG武器WEAPONS:任意Any防具ARMOR:链甲chain mail 及以下所有类型防具;无盾牌主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,魅惑charm,预言divination,元素elemental,旅...
重甲无法使用你的敏捷调整值加成护甲等级,但是如果你的敏捷调整值为负时,它也不会因此受到减益。 ①环甲Ring Mail 该护甲是将重金属环扣缝进内层的特殊皮甲。金属环可以加强护甲对剑斧挥击的抵抗力。环甲比链甲低一级,而通常只被那些无力支付更好护甲的人所使用。 ②链甲Chain Mail 该护甲由互相锁接的金属环...
Plate armor is made from giant insect or crustacean chitin. Shields simply rely on wood, chitin shell and similar materials. Metal armor does exist, but is normally of masterwork quality due to the rarity. However, wearing it in the heat of Athasian deserts is dangerous: as an optional rule...
PaddedArmorLeatherArmor[AvailablePlainorStudded]HideArmorScaleMailChainmail 厚布甲 皮甲(图示为一般皮甲与镶嵌皮甲) 生皮甲 鳞甲 炼甲 ChainShirtClose-UpforChainmailClose-UpforScaleMail 炼甲衫 炼甲细部图 鳞甲细部图 P.126 板条甲(SplintMail):此盔甲是将直向窄铁条与软皮内衬和棉布缝制而成,关节部份则以适宜...
(a) chain mail or (b) leather armor, longbow, and 20 arrows (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two handaxes (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack ...
While wearing armor, you have +1 AC. Our advice:For a class that focuses on defending the front lines, this is simple, strong, and suitable for any build. Dueling When wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you get +2 to damage rolls with that weapon. ...
AC:装甲等级(Armor Class)。实际上就是被击中的难易程度。越高越好。所有的装甲等级都由10开始然后计算其修正。 AC=10+敏捷+护甲+盾牌+其他修正。 重击(或致命一击,Critical Hit):在BAB投骰中,当一个角色骰出20(在某种情况下,比如重击改善,武器本身或者角色本身的,是19,18,17或者更低)他将会自动命中。他...
He has an Armor Class of 18 because he has Chain mail armor and a shield. He chose Oath of The Ancients and thus has ensnaring strike, speak with animals, moonbeam and misty step as well as choosing bless and shield of faith. He also talks celestial. His flaw is that he...