施法Spellcasting.密斯卡可以释放以下任意一个法术且不需要材料成分,密斯卡使用魅力作为施法关键属性(法术豁免难度DC21):随意:易容术,隐形术,法师之手,次级幻影,蛛网术2/日:支配怪物,群体暗示术,镜影术,心灵遥控,传送术———附赠动作 Bonus Actions索取忠心 Demand Loyalty.密斯卡通过魔法结束自己和120英尺内任何盟友...
A magic item, such as certain staffs, may require you to use your own spellcasting ability when you cast a spell from the item. Does whether or not you can apply class abilities to the casting of the spell depend whether the item uses the user's own spellcas...
If you don't spend your action casting the spell, you have stopped casting the spell There are only a couple of possibilities for what could happen if you start casting a spell with a long casting time and then don't use your action to continue casting it: The ...
: As a free action while casting a spell, you can expend 1 or more points of mental focus t...
领域Sphere:守序Law距离Range:接触Touch成分Components:言语V,姿势S,材料M持续时间Duration:特殊Special施法时间Casting Time:特殊Special影响区域Area of Effect:2 只或更多生物Two or more creatures豁免检定Saving Throw:无None 这道法术只能施展在2只或更多希望与其他人在希劳拉妮的见证下作出承诺或订立契约的自愿生物...
失能或被杀。当你陷入失能或死亡时,也会失去当前的专注。 DM可以主动判定某些环境可能令你失去专注。例如面对暴风雨中掩面而来的巨浪时,你必须进行一次DC10的体质豁免来判断能否维持专注。以上出自5E PHB 第十章施法 下属Casting a Spell章节规则 9楼2022-07-14 14:46 回复 ...
(月之海地方)+11,聆听+7,专业(药草师)+8,骑术(龙)+9,骑术(马)+7,探知+20,辨识法术+30,侦查+9,野外求生+7;战斗施法,制造法杖,制造魔杖,制造奇物,制造传送门(Create Portal),锻造戒指,法术极效,法术瞬发,抄录卷轴,专攻技能(辨识法术),施法天赋(Spellcasting Prodigy),法术穿透,专攻法术(咒法系),专攻...
Spellcasting makes up the bread and butter of the Sorcerer. As a Sorcerer you have the highest number of daily spell slots available to a character of their level (tied with theBard 5e,Cleric 5e,Druid 5e, and Wizard). However, you can only choose a relatively limited number of spells to...
经过两到三个月的调整期,在此期间,迷锁(mythal)的魔力和一些积极的训练,pc获得海下战斗、海下说话和海下施法的NWPs(NWPs of Undersea Combat, Undersea Speech, and Undersea Spellcasting)(根据需要),并准备游到瑟洛斯的开阔水域。迷斯南塔仍然是瑟洛斯的中心,特别是对于南塔联盟(Nantarn Alliance)来说,就像在...
At the very first level, a Bard gains their basic class features, including hit points, proficiencies, and starting equipment. All Bards also gain Bardic Inspiration and Spellcasting abilities at this level. Hit points Hit dice 1d8 per Bard level Hit points at level one 8 + Constitution modi...