施展法术Casting a Spell 任何角色施展法术时,其使用的都是同一套规则而不论角色的职业种类或法术效应...
失能或被杀。当你陷入失能或死亡时,也会失去当前的专注。 DM可以主动判定某些环境可能令你失去专注。例如面对暴风雨中掩面而来的巨浪时,你必须进行一次DC10的体质豁免来判断能否维持专注。以上出自5E PHB 第十章施法 下属Casting a Spell章节规则 9楼2022-07-14 14:46 回复 ...
施法Spellcasting.密斯卡可以释放以下任意一个法术且不需要材料成分,密斯卡使用魅力作为施法关键属性(法术豁免难度DC21):随意:易容术,隐形术,法师之手,次级幻影,蛛网术2/日:支配怪物,群体暗示术,镜影术,心灵遥控,传送术———附赠动作 Bonus Actions索取忠心 Demand Loyalty.密斯卡通过魔法结束自己和120英尺内任何盟友...
: As a free action while casting a spell, you can expend 1 or more points of mental focus t...
l 搭配超魔法专长施展法术(Casting a Me***gic Spell):术士和吟游诗人在施展以超魔法专长强化的法术时,比施展一般法术需要花费更多时间。对这两种职业来说,原本施法时间为「1标准动作」的法术,搭配超魔法专长的话就变成整轮动作。与施法时间「一整轮」的法术不同,术士和吟游诗人施展超魔法法术不需要持续念咒专注...
领域Sphere:保护Protection距离Range:0成分Components:言语V,姿势S,材料M持续时间Duration:2 轮 + 1 轮/级2 rounds+1 round/level施法时间Casting Time:7影响区域Area of Effect:30 呎半径内的友善生物Friendly creatures in a 30-foot radius豁免检定Saving Throw:无None ...
Casting time:1 Hour Range:Touch Components:V, S, M (incense and powdered diamond worth at least 200 gp, which the spell consumes) Duration:Until dispelled or triggered When you cast this spell, you inscribe a glyph that harms other creatures, either upon a surface (such as a table or a...
Casting time:1 Action Range:Self Components:V Duration:Instantaneous Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accord with your desires. The basic use of this spell is to duplicate any other spell of 8th...
Prepared Spells:Some spellcasting classes, such asClericsandDruids, must prepare their spells each day. These classes can choose a certain number of spells from their spell list to prepare, which they can then cast throughout the day.
(月之海地方)+11,聆听+7,专业(药草师)+8,骑术(龙)+9,骑术(马)+7,探知+20,辨识法术+30,侦查+9,野外求生+7;战斗施法,制造法杖,制造魔杖,制造奇物,制造传送门(Create Portal),锻造戒指,法术极效,法术瞬发,抄录卷轴,专攻技能(辨识法术),施法天赋(Spellcasting Prodigy),法术穿透,专攻法术(咒法系),专攻...