+2 to attack rolls with ranged weapons is precisely what you are looking for as a Ranger. Not only are you looking to be Dex-based, but this will also help you offset the penalty from using shots with the Sharpshooter feat. Defense While wearing DnD armor, gaining +1 to AC is far ...
And we can’t overstate how useful the attack of opportunity is when you’re wielding a pole with ten feet of reach. Greater reach makes it less likely that an enemy willleaveyour area of reach, but they’ll enter it far more often. More consistent opportunity attacks add yetanotherattack...
Ability Checks, or Saving Throws (and more, depending on the subclass and optional rules). While there isn't much you can do for Ability Checks and Saving Throws (other than increasing their difficulty), you can play with Attack Rolls. ...
RESTRAINED Disadvantage on the attack if a hostile that is not incapacitated is within 5 ft and can see the attacker. Speed 0, regardless of bonus. Disadvantage on Dex saving throws. TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING (bonus action with attack action) Attacks have disadvantage. Enemy attacks have advantage. ...
In addition, when you hit a creature with an attack using a weapon, you can invoke the rune to summon fiery shackles: the target takes an extra 2d6 fire damage, and it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute. While restrained by the shackles, the target ...
The vampire’s Bite attack can only bestow this dark gift under specific circumstances: Bite (Bat or Vampire Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the vampire, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) ...
At the end of each long rest, an infected creature can make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, the DC for this save and for the save to avoid an attack of mad laughter drops by 1d6. When the saving throw DC drops to 0, the creature recovers from the disease....
Billy Barty as the High Aldwin, auditioning prospective apprentices during the fair, shows that Nelwyns have cultivated their own traditions of sorcery, while the attack of Bavmorda's Devil Dogs on the village demonstrates that Nelwyns maintain a standing corps of spear-wielding warriors. ...
If a shape lacks attacks, you cannot attack while in that shape. • You can speak, but you cannot cast spells. • You are limited to actions and movement the new shape could reasonably perform. • Your gear is subsumed into the new shape, so you cannot access such equipment to ...
RESTRAINED Disadvantage on the attack if a hostile that is not incapacitated is within 5 ft and can see the attacker. Speed 0, regardless of bonus. Disadvantage on Dex saving throws. TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING (bonus action with attack action) Attacks have disadvantage. Enemy attacks have advantage. ...