The rules for Stronghold building – which got a whole section in the ADnD DM’s guide – become the focus of a separate supplement, giving them more depth for those interested in them, yet moving them to the periphery of the system. DnD 3rd edition The new face of RPGs. Authors: ...
Publisher SNEG (yes, really) has bundled most of the 22 classicfantasy gamesinto thematic packages – such as the Eye of the Beholder trilogy, for example. Only two of the games are available on their own – D&Dcity-building game, Stronghold: Kingdom Simulator, and arcade fighter Al-Qadim:...
Upon first assuming a snake form and upon returning to their original forms, the casters heal 1d6x10% of all damage they have suffered (round fractions down). (Priests are not healed every time they assume a new snake form, only the first time.) ...
Building a character to be either infallible or conversely hopeless creates mechanical headaches for a DM trying to balance a game for a range of players and characters. Characters should have mechanical strengths (and weaknesses) but they should save extremes for the end of the campaign. Do you...
The Radiant Citadel can act as a home base for players, giving D&D groups their own stronghold where they can rest between adventures. It will offer a safe haven from their foes, but it's still a location that is filled with magic, making it dangerous in other ways. The book contains ...
"Simple," replied Peter Perfect. "You can't very well oppose an incoming force without an army, can you? What little armies they had couldn't even touch us. We just walked in to every major political stronghold on the planet and took over. Nobody even had to die." ...