法术Spells(9/8/7/8/4/2/1)*:1级:祝福术bless,治愈轻伤cure light wounds(×2),侦测魔法detect magic,亡灵无视术invisibility to Undead,黑暗术darkness,防护善良protection from good,圣域术sanctuary;2级:援助术aid,魅惑人类或不如动物charm person or mammal,灼热金属heat metal(×2),人类定身术hold person...
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship: 各种各样的野兽漫游于哈鲁阿Halruaa以北的 盗匪荒地the Bandit Wastes,这些野兽中包括一群为血液而疯狂、有祭司能力的侏儒鼹鼠人,他们由一位只知道被称作 凝血尖嚎the Blood-Curdling Scream 的吸血鬼侏儒祭司带领。鲜血嚎叫者The Blood Screamers(因他们被极端恐惧的手而知名)...
圣誓法术Oath Spells :你获得以下圣誓法术。圣誓法术一旦获得,将会一直在你的准备法术列表中,且不...
For those new adventurers among you, we’ve even provided a little bit of context. Let’s start light. D&D asks a lot of the DM. They’ve got to plan an adventure, commit it to memory, internalise the game’s rules system until they can recite it in their sleep, and gently mould ...
of the Profane SoulBlood Hunterscan learn it too as they eventually gain Warlock spell slots, though they can only cast third-level spells like Dispel Magic once they reach level 13. Not to be left out, Eldritch KnightFightersand Arcane TricksterRoguescan also learn Dispel Magic at level 14....
DND法术全列表详解.doc,◎零级法术(戏法)0-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS (CANTRIPS) 法术名称 组件 施法时间 射程 持续时间 豁免 SR 摘要 来源 ★防护系 Abjuration Resistance 提升抗力 VSM/DF 单动作 接触 1分钟 意志 N 可 受术者的豁免检定获得+1抵抗加值 PHB272 ★咒
法术共享(Share Spells):根据暗黑卫士的选择,他可以让他施放给自己的法术(不包括类法术能力)同样影响自己的仆役。该仆役必须在施法时处在暗黑卫士周围5英尺范围内才能获得好处。如果该法术或者法术效果不是瞬间的而是有持续时间,那么在炼狱仆役离开5尺范围后该法术将无法影响此炼狱仆役,并且也不会再次影响它,就算它在...
1. DnD magic can be more than spells Yep, you read that right! We’re all so used to seeing regular spellcasting that we sometimes forget we could expand themagic system! And I’m not just talking about magic items and fancy class features. Let’s look at magic tattoos, for example!
Wizards are supreme magic-users, defined and united as a class by the spells they cast. Drawing on the subtle weave of magic that permeates the cosmos, wizards cast spells of explosive fire, arcing lightning, subtle deception, brute-force mind control, and much more. ...
每4级可吐出一条触须 BOVD107 ★通用系 Universal —— ◎二级法术 2-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS 法术名称 组件 施法时间 射程 持续时间 豁免 SR 摘要 来源 ★防护系 Abjuration Arcane Lock 秘法锁 VSM 单动作 接触 永久 无否 用魔法锁住门和箱子,30平方ft/级.材料:25GP PHB200 Daggerspell Stance 魔...