In particular, adventurers will want to watch out for the Beholder’s eye rays. These fiendish floaters can shoot a ray which can cause a wide range of conditions for a character – fear, paralysis, sleep, you name it. A Beholder even has the ability to turn opponents into a pile of d...
The eye rays are: cone of cold, disintegrate, dominate monster, energy drain, feeblemind, finger...
他们拥有语言和文化,有些甚至拥有天生的魔法能力(尽 量。典型的异怪包括底栖魔鱼aboleth、眼魔beholder 、夺心 管大部分类人生物都可以习得施法能力),以及双足直立的体 魔mind flayer 以及史拉蟾slaadi 。 态。最常见的类人种族是最适合玩家扮演的角色,包括人类 野兽 Beast 作为非类人生物,是奇幻生态圈中不可或...
However, there are a few critical differences between eye rays and eyebeams. While a beholder can fire all of its eye rays each round, a cultist must take a standard action to use one of his eyebeams; as a result, he can only use one per round, unless he obtains the Quicken Eyebeam...
The second volume of Death is in the Eyes of the Beholder also features six cards, paying homage to all the death rays from Karazikar. Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant Beholder’s Death Ray (Snuff Out) Beholder’s Enervation Ray (Defile) ...