生命骰HIT DICE:135 在巢穴中概率% IN LAIR:60% 宝藏类型TREASURE TYPE:Fx2,R,U,V 攻击次数NO. OF ATTACKS:2次(双手) 伤害/攻击DAMAGE/ATTACK:根据武器 特殊攻击SPECIAL ATTACK:见后 特殊防御SPECIAL DEFENSES:见后 魔法抗力MAGIC RESISTANCE:35% 体型SIZE:中型M(6英尺高) 阵营ALIGNMENT:守序Lawful(偏善良good...
Hit Dice: 1d8 per bard level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per bard level after 1st Proficiencies Armor: Light armor Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords Tools...
生命骰HIT DICE:135 在巢穴中概率% IN LAIR:60% 宝藏类型TREASURE TYPE:Fx2,R,U,V 攻击次数NO. OF ATTACKS:2次(双手) 伤害/攻击DAMAGE/ATTACK:根据武器 特殊攻击SPECIAL ATTACK:见后 特殊防御SPECIAL DEFENSES:见后 魔法抗力MAGIC RESISTANCE:35% 体型SIZE:中型M(6英尺高) 阵营ALIGNMENT:守序Lawful(偏善良good...
High hit dice and plenty of Rage mean the Barbarian is one tough cookie in combat. It’s a satisfying experience to dominate the battlefield (even if your method of dealing damage can get a little same-y). While every class has its own intricacies, the Barbarian isn’t too complicated ...
low-hit dice and are particularly easy to hit, meaning they'll usually stay in the back casting spells - though some of them can be on the frontline. Regardless, taking them down in combat isn't difficult unless you have great tanks in your party preventing you from reaching the bard. ...
Here you’ll record your maximum hit points, as well as the HP you currently have. Each class has a designated Hit Dice, and their starting HP maximum is the maximum result on that die plus the character’s Constitution modifier. For example, a level one DnD Bard starts with eight HP ...
There are several ways to get Expertise in DnD 5e: be an Artificer, Bard, Ranger, Rogue, Knowledge Cleric, or any character with the Skill Expert or Prodigy feats or the… How Much Gold Would a Noble Have in DnD 5e? 1 year ago by Matt Zane A noble in DnD would have between 10,...
The D&D Beyond character builder lets you create a D&D character in minutes and jump straight into the action. Roll dice from your digital character sheet and track your spells, inventory, hit points, and more. GET STARTED → PLAY BEFORE THE STORM ...