A peerless archer can only sneak attack living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes,plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to strike.Additionally, any creature immune to critical hits is similarly immune to sneak attacks. The peerless archer must be able to see...
action, Illurien can impose a –8 penalty on a singleattack roll, check, or saving throw made by an opponentwithin 60 feet.Rejuvenation (Su) If slain, Illurien reappears in theAthenaeum Nefarious (see below) two days later.Tempest Lash (Su) Illurien attacks by lashing her foes with a...
Within the amber sarcophagus, the target is protected against all attacks, including purely mental ones.The amber sarcophagus has hardness 5 and 10 hp per caster level (maximum 200 hp).If it is reduced to 0 hp, it shatters and crumbles to worthless amber dust, at which point the target ...
An incantatrix can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Int modifier. Using this ability is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.At 3rd level, an incantatrix can attempt to apply a metamagic feat she possesses to a persistent spell effect ...
Whatever kind of Illrigger you want to build, these options arepowerful. The class’ action economy is very generous, allowing plenty of opportunity for extra attacks and abilities that cost nothing. Pretty much every generically-strong character option is on the table here – want to fly, cast...
Generally, effective D&D parties deal damage first and heal second. But Healing Word has always been a special exception, as a bonus action heal still leaves your action open for attacks or support. This was one of the best spells in 2014 5e, and it’s only grown stronger in the 2024 ...
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Powerful Blows (Ex) Tsathoggua's bite and claw attacks always apply 1-1/2 times his Strength modifier to damage. Unspeakable Presence (Su) Failing a DC 38 Will saving throw against Tsathoggua's unspeakable presence causes the victim to perceive Tsathoggua as its only ally; it treats ...
these attacks are said to send their target to the Shadow Realm. It is not known which extradimensional space this sends the target to, be it Ape's Concert or one generated by a devil fruit such as the Yami Yami no mi. Verona has dubbed this particular attack under the title "Shadow ...
TheMobilefeat is the only one in5Ethat actively provides a strict bonus to speed with no caveats. That feat improves your speed by +10, allows you to ignore difficult terrain when you dash, and lets you avoid opportunity attacks from a creature you attack. ...