Artificers tend to lean on cantrips for a lot of their damage dealing when their other spells are used up for buffs and defence. Many will continue to be useful as you level up, so here are some cantrips you should consider when you start out as an Artificer. Magic Stone (Player's ...
Spell-storing Item is slightly unhelpfully named. It doesn’t create an item that works like a Ring of Spell Storing but lets you select an Artificer spell (which your character need not know or have prepared) and create an item that can cast that spell a number of times equal to twice...
I wish it could be for artificers Check out infusion/ replicate items/ second tier #19 Coralirahd View User Profile Send Message Posted Jun 4, 2020 I have a question regarding the 'offensiveness' of this spell. In a game I am part of, an npc cast this spell on my entire party...