依升序,摩拉丁教派Moradite 祭司使用的头衔如下:铁砧熟手Adept of the Anvil、战争之锤Hammer of War、锻造技工Artisan of the Forge、符文工匠Craftsman of Runes、发现的巧匠Artificer of Discoveries、以及 魂之锻者Smith of Souls。高阶长老High Old Ones 有独特的个人头衔,但被统称为 高阶锻炉铁匠the High For...
The option to build things out of pseudo-material you’ve pulled from the Plane of Shadow is a must-have for any Artificer. This is also a spell that can be powerful if your DM is generous (a 1,500 GP dose of Midnight Tears poison istechnicallynon-living vegetable, so you should be ...
At 2nd level, you've gained the ability to imbue mundane items with certain magical infusions, turning those objects into magic items. Infusions Known When you gain this feature, pick four artificer infusions to learn. You learn additional infusions of your choice when you reach certain levels ...
Makers of magic-infused objects, artificers are defined by their inventive nature. They see magic as a complex system waiting to be decoded and controlled. Instead of ephemeral spells, they seek to craft durable, useful, marvelous magical items. ...
The high-magic city-planet of Ravnica comes from the TCG, but it’s been expanded for roleplayers – meaning that players get some interesting new classes and races options, while DMs can appreciate the fleshed-out setting, monsters, and magic items. Most of the character options here ...
For discussion of races, spells, magic items, monsters, backgrounds, and feats Artificer Repeating Shot ... byAthanar90 3 hours agoGo to last post 9,611116,180 Dungeon Masters Only(75 Viewing) Discuss Dungeon Mastering with your fellow DMs here!
All Hail the Machine God Artificers are the inventors of the impossible and the crafters of the arcane, capable of assembling the most wondrous and deadly of magic items. Clerics are the devout ministers of divine will, imbued with celestial power to heal the sick and smite the unworthy. Pu...
Tasha's Cauldron of Everythingis overflowing with an enormous expansion of the D&D universe, from new rules, subclasses, spells, magic items, the new Artificer class, and more! Come inside and let the archmage Tasha regale you with her keen insights and insightful musings. ...
Artificer Class Guide A genius inventor, blending magic and technology to create magical items and gadgets. Read More Barbarian Class Guide The unstoppable force of nature, channeling primal rage into powerful attacks and unshakable endurance. Read More Bard Class Guide A master of magic and ...
as out of touch nerds. For those that want something in between, shamans are a good way to keep some of that tribal flavor of the druid, the spiritual nature of the cleric, and the intelligent feel of the wizard. Shamans work heavily with nature spirits to work magic of a divine ...