Artificer 5e TheArtificer 5eis a tinkerer and a lover of tools. Using powerful magical infusions, this class can create and bolster magical items and weapons that will really help your party pack a punch. The Artificer plays a big role in supporting their peers – it’s up to them to mak...
After selecting a primary ability score, you should bulk up your Artificer’s Constitution (decent armor proficiencies can only take you so far). Characters that don’t use DEX as their primary stat will still often want it to increase it to 14, because this is the most that you can take...
Aflyspeed means that a creature may move through the air at will. An Aarakocra has a fly speed of 50 feet, as long as they are not wearing medium or heavy armor. That means they can move in any direction through the air as if it were the ground. They can alternatively move upwards...
Artificer Specialist At 3rd level, you choose the type of specialist you are. Your choice grants you features at 5th level and again at 9th and 15th level. SpecialtySource Alchemist Tasha's Cauldron of Everything Eberron: Rising from the Last War Armorer Tasha's Cauldron of Everything Artille...
•Armor and Shields •Trinkets •Weapons •Firearms •Explosives •Wondrous Items •Currency •Poisons •Tools •Siege Equipment Feats Published •Aberrant Dragonmark •Actor •Alert •Artificer Initiate •Athlete •Cartomancer ...
依升序,摩拉丁教派Moradite 祭司使用的头衔如下:铁砧熟手Adept of the Anvil、战争之锤Hammer of War、锻造技工Artisan of the Forge、符文工匠Craftsman of Runes、发现的巧匠Artificer of Discoveries、以及 魂之锻者Smith of Souls。高阶长老High Old Ones 有独特的个人头衔,但被统称为 高阶锻炉铁匠the High ...
However, can a blinded creature still make an opportunity attack? A Guide To Thunder Gauntlets D&D 5e Thunder Gauntlets in 5e are a feature of the Armorer subclass of the artificer. In this guide I break down all of the best combos and usages....
依升序,摩拉丁教派Moradite 祭司使用的头衔如下:铁砧熟手Adept of the Anvil、战争之锤Hammer of War、锻造技工Artisan of the Forge、符文工匠Craftsman of Runes、发现的巧匠Artificer of Discoveries、以及 魂之锻者Smith of Souls。高阶长老High Old Ones 有独特的个人头衔,但被统称为 高阶锻炉铁匠the High ...
Artificer: Alchemist, Armorer, Artillerist, Battle Smith Barbarian: Path of the Wild Beast, Path of Wild Magic Bard: College of Creation, College of Eloquence Cleric: Order Domain, Peace Domain, Twilight Domain Druid: Circle of Spores, Circle of Stars, Circle of...
When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more dart for each slot level above 1st. Spell Tags: Damage Available For: Sorcerer (Legacy) Wizard (Legacy) Cleric (Legacy) - Arcana Domain Artificer - Armorer Warlock (Legacy) - The Many Bas...