有盾牌All armor types up to and including plate mail and shield主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,魅惑charm,创造creation,元素elemental,治疗healing,死灵necromantic(仅逆向为恢复类型restorative forms only
感知Wisdom 阵营ALIGNMENT:守序邪恶LE 武器WEAPONS:所有钝击武器和穿刺武器(类型B, P, P/B)All bludgeoning and piercing (Type B, Type P, and Type P/B) weapons 防具ARMOR:链甲及以下所有防具;无盾牌All armor types up to and including chain mail; no shields 主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astr...
Variant Tieflings tend to have wings – which grant a bonus of 30ft flying speed when not wearing heavy DnD armor. Instead of the regular spells associated with an Asmodeus Tiefling, the Variant Tiefling gains the following cantrips and spells at levels one, three, and five: Character Level...
D R A C O N O M I C O N ™ Andy Collins, Skip Williams, James Wyatt D E V E L O P E R A R T D I R E C T O R Andy Collins Dawn Murin D E S I G N A S S I S T A N C E C O V E R A R T Ed Stark, Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel Todd Lockwood I N T ...
Choose a pair of shortswords as your weapons for d6 damage attacks, as well as the best leather armor you can afford. You’ll upgrade to the rapiers soon enough. At level three, choose the Swashbuckler subclass. This is where your game plan takes shape: with Fancy Footwork you can move...
Their life spans average around 350 years, they love forging their weapons and armor, love mining for precious resources, and fashioning jewelry. Most dwarves harbor a passionate hatred for things like orcs and goblins and other underlings like that....
The hero and superhero (along with Wizard types) were expanded to a range of levels from 1st into the teens. OD&D offered two combat system. The first was based on Chainmail and was not commonly used. The second more popular system was the familiar cross-index level to the Armor class...
armor: ArmorData || undefined, shield: Boolean || String, tools: ToolData[] } WeaponData = { name: String, link: String, damageType: String, damage: String, versatileDamage: String || undefined, simple: Boolean, ranged: Boolean, allowsShield: Boolean, properties: String[] } ArmorData =...
If you cast antimagic field, don armor of invulnerability, or use another feature of the game that protects against magical or non-magical effects, you might ask yourself, “Will this protect me against a dragon’s breath?” The breath weapon of a typical dragon isn’t considered ma...
Armor.java publicclassArmorextendsItem{/* * Private Instance Variables */privatefinalString name;privateintlevel;privatefinalintdefence;/* * Armor constructor (no default) */publicArmor(String name,intlevel){this.name = name;this.level = level;this.setAttributes(); ...