Armor of Agathys1AbjurationNoNo Arms of Hadar1ConjurationNoNo Astral Projection9NecromancyNoNo Augury2DivinationYesNo Aura of Life4AbjurationNoYes Aura of Purity4AbjurationNoYes Aura of Vitality3EvocationNoYes Awaken5TransmutationNoNo Bane1EnchantmentNoYes ...
The player character has Armor of Agathys (or some other spell) and wants the melee combatant to hit them- but they also have a shield and light armor. If the initiative was Melee, Ranged, Player- Could the player use their shield to defend the ranged attack, but not the me...
3rd Armor of Agathys 5th Darkness Mammon Tiefling Mammon loves money, and Tieflings with this bloodline are apparently great at organizing their finances. Mammon Tieflings get +2 Charisma and +1 Intelligence, and they gain the following spells: Level Spells 1st Mage Hand 5e 3rd Tenser’s Flo...
as long as they are not wearing medium or heavy armor. That means they can move in any direction through the air as if it were the ground. They can alternatively move upwards or downwards—and diagonally upwards or downwards—by spending five feet of fly speed....
Charm Person makes for some useful fighting tactics, as well as hilarious roleplaying antics, while Armor of Agathys is a fantastic defensive spell that protects you with five temporary hit points and damages the enemy when hit. Later, you should be looking to combine your magical abilities to...
Armor of Agathys1Abjuration1 ActionNoNoPlayers Handbook Arms of Hadar1Conjuration1 ActionNoNoPlayers Handbook Astral Projection9Necromancy1 HourNoNoPlayers Handbook Banishment4Abjuration1 ActionNoYesPlayers Handbook Blade Ward0Abjuration1 ActionNoNoPlayers Handbook ...
Armor of Agathys (Open in new window) 1 Abjuration 1 Action No No Players Handbook Arms of Hadar (Open in new window) 1 Conjuration 1 Action No No Players Handbook Astral Projection (Open in new window) 9 Necromancy 1 Hour No No Players Handbook Augury (Ritual) (Open in new window) ...
This is a really solid ability when you want to fill a gap in your playstyle, such as adding a potent damage spell (chromatic orb, burning hands), some utility (disguise self, command), healing (goodberry), or defensive bonuses (armor of Agathys). Soul of the Storm Giant These ...
with Abjuration or Transmutation spells from the Sorcerer, Wizard, and Warlock spell lists. This makes the Clockwork Soul able to get a few options unique to Wizards or Warlocks, like Armor of Agathys or Protection from Evil and Good. For Sorcerers,gaining 10 additional spells is life-saving,...
Armor of Agathys, Hellish Rebuke, Fire Shield, etc all benefit from triggering more often without killing you. Your enemy already has Disadvantage, so you're just stacking on more defenses. And then one more, due to the lack of "half a point of damage". If you are taking ver...