It's enough to make my head spin and I just can't wrap my head around it all. But for completeness sake, the calculator says CR 12 based off a CR 10 Defense and CR 13 Offense. Sister Lorelei Medium undead, neutral Armor Class: 17 (natural armor) Hit Points: 90 (20d8)...
Running these stats through a probability calculator, we arrive at the following table of average Damage per Round (DPR) that our fighter deals at her level. Since these values depend heavily on the armor class of her opponent, we add columns that adjust for varying Armor...
Auto calculate armor class Enabled --- --- Auto calc base AC Enabled --- --- Confirm effect deletions Disabled Enabled --- Amount of debug to show None --- --- Disable all active effect processing Disabled --- ---Easy Target v2.12Allows for targeting tokens by holding the Alt key ...
you estimate the monster's Offensive Challenge Rating based on its offensive features, and then estimate its Defensive Challenge Rating based on things like hit points and Armor Class, then average those two for an estimated Final Challenge