All Spells •Artificer Spells •Bard Spells •Cleric Spells •Druid Spells •Paladin Spells •Ranger Spells •Sorcerer Spells •Warlock Spells •Wizard Spells School •Abjuration •Conjuration •Divination •Enchantment •Evocation ...
A relatively tricky class to optimize, choosing the Bard’s spells requires strategic thinking and foresight. As they are primary spellcasters who truly shine in social situations, focus on raising their Charisma score as you progress. But don’t forget to buff your Dexterity, too – a Bard w...
Finally, Kalashtar are protected from magical effects that force them to dream (though they can still be targeted by spells that put them to sleep). The set stats for the Kalashtar limit them to Wisdom-based classes (or maybe Charisma, if you really want to play a Bard). However, if...
Stone dice are an interesting material that you and your DnD buddies may want enjoy. Smooth to the touch (most of the time) and heavy, stone dice will give you a different feel than other materials. They’re beautiful and durable. Dice made of stone can be expensive, but that all depen...
Dominate Monster is a spell that's available as of level 8, with a castingtime of 1 Action for D&D 5e - Read up on all the spells on DND-Spells | Dungeons and Dragons 5e - Spells, Tools, Spell cards, Spellbooks'
根据携带者的状态决定其主要支配者是罗丝还是空暗女神。如果被神器诅咒的是一名精灵神系神祇的化身,罗丝和空暗女王会协力合作摧毁该化身的心智,让其变得疯狂搜寻并屠杀附近的精灵。只有化身死亡或另一位精灵神系神祇的化身施展 医疗术heal 和 驱散法术dispelling spells 才能终止该化身的疯狂杀戮之心并恢复神智。
prestige classes, feats, teamwork benefi ts, spells, and useful “Maybe we could time their swings and run through,” sug- dungeoneering gear. You’ll get a taste of the strange and gested Regdar. wonderful things a dungeon can offer, along with hints “Nice thought, big fellow,” ...
ELFBARD You’re the life of the party, inspiring your allies with magic and song. An entertainer at heart, your gift for storytelling is unmatched. PREVIEW TIEFLINGWARLOCK You made a pact with an otherworldly being and were fundamentally changed as a result. Your magic is stronger than ever…...
战斗 9 Combat 侏儒Gnome 战斗流程The Order of Combat 半精灵Half-Elf 移动与位置Movement and Position 半兽人Half-Orc 战斗动作Action in Combat 提夫林Tiefling 发动攻击Making an Attack 第章:职业 3 Classes 掩护Cover 伤害与治疗Damage and Healing 野蛮人Barbarian 骑乘战斗Mounted Combat 吟游诗人Bard 水下...
A Bard may use a Bard spell with the Glyph of Warding because, for a Bard, all Bard spells are at the ready in this way. However, if the Bard multiclasses into a spellcasting class that requires spell preparation, the spells that are unique to that class...