With its hoard well protected deep within the lair, a red dragon spends as much of its time outside the mountain as in it. For a red dragon, the great heights of the world are the throne from which it can look out to survey all it controls—and the wider world it seeks to control...
【头 衔】塑世者The World-Shaper(阿斯格拉斯),暗影吞噬者Swallower of Shades,诸神之主Lord of the Gods,九面龙神the Ninefold Dragon,森罗谐和之龙the Concordant Dragon,永恒巨轮the Great Eternal Wheel,一切诸龙之造主the Creator of all dragonkind,沉眠深龙之父father of the Sleeping Deep Dragons 【阵 ...
Dragon Slayer (Weapon (any sword)) Dust of Disappearance (Wondrous item) Dust of Dryness (Wondrous item) Dust of Sneezing and Choking (Wondrous item) Dwarven Plate (Armor (plate)) Dwarven Thrower (Weapon (warhammer)) Efficient Quiver (Wondrous item) ...
"High Rollers DnD" Altheya: The Dragon Empire #41 | Deceptions in the Deep (Part 2) (Podcast Episode 2024) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
成年太阳龙Adult Solar Dragon 巨型龙类,普遍绝对中立 护甲等级 17(天生护甲) 生命值 200 (16d12+96) 速度30尺,飞行90尺(悬浮) 力量24 (+7) 敏捷15 (+2) 体质22 (+6) 智力15(+2) 感知16 (+3) 魅力14 (+2) 豁免 敏捷+7,体质 +11,感知 +8,魅力 +7 技能 察觉+13,隐匿+7 伤害免疫 光耀 状...
Age.Gnomes mature at the same rate as humans, and most are expected to settle into adult life around the age of 40. They can live to 350 years on average, but it's not too uncommon for them to reach 500 years of age. Alignment.Gnomes are generally Good. Those who tend towards Law...
Huge As a young dragon Challenge 7 or higher Gargantuan As an adult dragon Challenge 8 or higher Sample Half-Dragon Here the half-dragon template has been applied to a human veteran to create a half-red dragon veteran. Splint armor has been replaced with plate. Half-Red Dragon Veteran Mediu...
最新单集 Welcome Travelers, to the Adventure of a lifetime. City of Town is truly unlike any other DND podcast out there. Each episode features a new and entirely improvised DND adventure. No prep work, no character sheets, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and DND fun! Whether you...
地底侏儒 Deep Gnomes 侏儒第三个亚种,地底侏儒(或称斯涅布⼒ svirfneblin) 以⼩集群散居在幽暗地域中。跟邻居灰矮⼈和卓尔不同,地底 侏儒跟其地表近亲⼀样善良。只是他们的幽默感和热情依然会 受压迫的环境影响⽽受抑制,⽽其创新天赋则⼤多表现在⽯艺 领域。 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0...
Do not in the least set yourself up as a pointed jade tablet to ruffle his dragon's scales.15 Qu Boyan's solution of how to deal with autocracy is to outwit him: play along with the tyrant and, while ingratiating oneself with him, take advantage of his likes and dislikes, hopes and...