Similar to the Clockwork Soul, the Aberrant Mind sorcerer learns several spells. This time, they learn spells from the Divination and Enchantment spell list. This still unlocks a handful of possibilities for a Sorcerer, such as Augury, Divination, Hex, and Scrying. However, the Aberrant Mind h...
Found inTasha’s Cauldron of Everything, theAberrant Mindarchetype allows your mind to be warped by alien influences to the point that you gain a power called Revelation in Flesh. How you respond to reading that ability name probably says more about whether you will enjoy this class than anyt...
Sorcerer subclasses There are four Sorcerer subclasses to choose from in the 2024 Player’s Handbook: Aberrant Sorcery:You’re a telepathic Psionics expert who, at later levels, can transform your body in horrifying and interesting ways. Clockwork Sorcery:You value balance and order above all, and...
Sorcerers carry a magical birthright conferred upon them by an exotic bloodline, some otherworldly influence, or exposure to unknown cosmic forces. No one chooses sorcery; the power chooses the sorcerer. Published •Aberrant Mind •Clockwork Soul ...
Damage resistances really shouldn’t be an issue to a well-rounded character, but if you want to run, say, a pure fire Sorcerer, then this could be worth it. Keep in mind that if you’ve slated into a single element, you’ll be stumped by enemies that have immunity to your chosen ...
Sorcerer: Aberrant Mind, Clockwork Soul Warlock: The Fathomless, The Genie Wizard: Bladesinging, Order of Scribes Online Supplements There are Online Supplements for some of the hardback adventures, containing magic items, monsters and spells that are used in the adve...
Players looking to make the most powerful Wizard can do well to build the right foundation from level 1. Making the right decisions from the very beginning will lead to the strongest possible character, resulting in a powerful Wizard who can dominate encounters. With that in mind, there are ...
Warlockshave the option to select anUndead Patron, like a lich or vampire, to serve in exchange for the ability to steer clear of death so they can carry on forever. Those who choose this path are rarely righteous and benevolent, and while they may not fall into an evil alignment, the ...
Sorcerer Optional Class Features Aberrant Mind Clockwork Soul Warlock Optional Class Features Eldritch Invocation Options The Fathomless The Genie Wizard Optional Class Features Bladesinging Order of Scribes Feats Ch. 2: Group Patrons How Patrons Work ...
Thisempowers the undead you manage to mind control with your control undead ability and those you summon using the Animate Dead spell. Consequently, you'll want tokeep a small army of undead at your beck and callat all times to make the most of your Aura of Hate. Don't forget that th...