Death Knight Demilich Demons Devils Dinosaurs Displacer Beast Doppelganger Dracolich Dragon, Shadow Dragons Dragon Turtle Drider Dryad Duergar Elementals Elves: Drow Empyrean Ettercap Ettin Faerie Dragon Flameskull Flumph Fomorian Fungi Galeb Duhr ...
Death Knight Lizardfolk Wight Demilich Lycanthropes Will-o-wisp Demons Magmin Wraith Devils Manticore Wyvern Dinosaurs Medusa Xorn Displacer Beast Mephits Yetis Doppelganger Merfolk Yuan-ti Dracolich Merrow Yugoloths Dragon, Shadow Mimic Zombies Dragons Mind Flayer Dragon Turtle Minotaur Drider A...
Death Ward (4th-level Abjuration) Delayed Blast Fireball (7th-level Evocation) Demiplane (8th-level Conjuration) Detect Evil and Good (1st-level Divination) Detect Magic (1st-level Divination (Ritual)) Detect Poison and Disease (1st-level Divination (Ritual)) ...
如果你有《魔邓肯出品:多元宇宙的怪物》,剑下鬼sword wraith和败契者deathlock也是死惧刑徒的优秀选择。苦难寻猎Harrowing Hunts 死惧刑徒们一直密切监视着衰朽花园中一座玻璃塔楼内的位面传送门,那儿也被称为“死亡通路”。死惧刑徒们会通过死亡通路旅行,去追猎万象无常牌或其他组织感兴趣的东西。这些任务也被称作...
Oracle Details: 1. Scholar Scholar in His Study [Art by Rembrandt] For those who don’t wish to be a wizard, cleric, or any sort of caster, yet still want to play an intelligent character. Scholars serve as a nonmagical form of suppor...
+加入死惧刑徒最为常见的新兵包括还魂尸revenant、幽灵specter、尸妖wight,鬼魂ghost和木乃伊mummy也常常在列,而死惧大君的副将通常是死亡骑士death knight、巫妖lich和吸血鬼vampire。如果你有《魔邓肯出品:多元宇宙的怪物》,剑魂sword wraith和败契者deathlock也是死惧刑徒的优秀选择。 苦难寻猎Harrowing Hunts +死惧刑徒...
Death Knight Demilich Demons Devils Dinosaurs Displacer Beast Doppelganger Dracolich Dragon, Shadow Dragons Dragon Turtle Drider Dryad Duergar Elementals Elves: Drow Empyrean Ettercap Ettin Faerie Dragon Flameskull Flumph Fomorian Fungi Galeb Duhr ...