monster莫斯特 掐头去尾 11 这是网游eq2里面的译名,我第一次知道法师还有这么多种类Mage法师Sorcerer术士-Warlock黑暗法师-Wizard巫师Enchanter幻术师-Coercer胁迫者-Illusionist幻象师Summoner召唤者-Conjuror召唤师-Necromancer死灵法师 来自Android客户端6楼2015-01-05 00:13 回复 ...
Constitution should be your secondary focus. Although Warlocks aren’t nearly as feeble as the scrawny Wizard 5e, their limitedDnD armorproficiencies and low hit dice make them vulnerable. Your Pact Magic will be no use if you spend most battles crumpled on the floor, so nip it in the bud ...
Here is the brief intro about the Warlock Class in DND 5E. This includes the Hit Points, Proficiencies, Equipment, Rage, Unarm Defense, and many more traits.
whimsical realm where logic has little meaning and emotion shapes reality. Grab a cup of tea and don’t give any strange fairies your name as we go through everything you need to know. Read the full blog post here: Like our ...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
Can a level 11 Warlock do 78 damage in one turn with Eldritch Blast and Magic Stone? 8 Is my Warlock useless to the group now that we have a wizard with Eldritch Blast and two Bards who focus on utility? 10 Does the UA Sea Sorcerer's Curse of the Se...
Or should the Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard just learn the comprehend languages spell? With an average of only 4 skill slots available, picking an untested/unknown skill will not be a high priority. To counter this, you can give everyone an extra skill slot. This would be a bit ove...
I’ll get right to the point: Warlocks shouldn’t exist in 5e I know, I know - put the pitchfork down for just a moment. It’s not that Warlock’s aren’t fun (they are). It’s not that they’re game breaking (they aren’t). It’s not that the bas...
Lurker in the Deep Unearthed Arcana 61 - Sorcerer and Warlock Noble Genie Unearthed Arcana 67 - Subclasses, Part 1 Raven Queen Unearthed Arcana 29 - Warlock and Wizard Seeker Unearthed Arcana 16 - The Faithful Undead Unearthed Arcana 74 - Subclasses, Part 4 Undying Light Unearthed Arcana 10 -...